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An artists\'92 reception and award ceremony will take place onThursday April 21st @ 12:30 pm. \f1 \cf3 \strokec3 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \f0 \cf6 \strokec6 This annual juried event is open to all Roane State student artists and is a valuable opportunity for students to hone their skills and gain critical exhibition experience. \ This year\'92s juror TBA\ \'a0\ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \f2\b\fs50 \cf3 \strokec3 Student Art Show Guidelines \f0\b0\fs24 \cf6 \strokec6 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \cf3 \strokec3 Each student may submit up to 10 works, free of charge. Works must have been created between May 2020 to present. Any enrolled student may submit artwork for inclusion in the show. \uc0\u8232 \u8232 \f2\b Submission of Artworks \f0\b0 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \f2\b \cf10 \strokec10 March 16th at noon: Entries submitted via artshowsubmissions@roanestate.edu \f0\b0 \cf3 \strokec3 You may submit up to 10 works of art total. Incomplete submissions will NOT BE CONSIDERED. Please consider how your work is documented and presented as NO IMAGES WILL BE EDITED before submitting them to the juror. \ Each image should be saved in the following file format:\ Firstmiddlelastintital_Title_dimensions_media.jpg\ For example, image #1 is a painting called Painting that Goes Above the Couch by Emily Olizabeth Hootinany. Filename: eoh_PaintingthatGoesAbovetheCouch_20\'94x18\'94_acrylic.jpg \ (Each image will correspond with the image title on your image list) \ Upon delivery of accepted artworks you must sign and submit the art gallery agreement. Entries that do not follow the prospectus guidelines may be disqualified.\ Your {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "file:///Volumes/art/artshow/form.docx"}}{\fldrslt \f2\b \cf8 \strokec8 entry form (download by clicking here) }}must be submitted with your images.\uc0\u8232 \u8232 \u8232 \f2\b Guidelines for preparation of artworks for hanging \f0\b0 \ Two dimensional artworks should be professionally presented and ready to hang. Artworks should be wired for hanging on the back of the piece with picture hanging wire strung from the upper left side to the upper right. Please place the wire as close to the top as possible. Please label the back of your work with your name, title, media, dimensions and your e-mail (this excludes digital artworks).\uc0\u8232 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \f2\b \cf3 Delivery and Installation of Artworks \f0\b0 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \f2\b \cf10 \strokec10 Monday April 20th, 9am- 4pm \f0\b0 \cf3 \strokec3 : Included artists must deliver and help install their work in the O\'92Brien Art Gallery on Roane County Campus. Please be prepared to stay and help with posters and program unless prior arrangements have been made.\uc0\u8232 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \f2\b \cf3 Notification \f0\b0 \ Student artists will be notified of accepted works on \f2\b March 28th \f0\b0 \uc0\u8232 \u8232 \f2\b Exhibition \f0\b0 \ The \f2\b Exhibition will take place April April 11th -21st \f0\b0 Student volunteers are needed to monitor the gallery. The gallery will not be opened without a student monitor present. A sign up sheet will be available outisde Stacy Jacobs' offic door O'Brien 114.\uc0\u8232 \ \f2\b Reception and Award Ceremony \f0\b0 \ An artists\'92 reception and awards ceremony will take place onThursday, April 21st at 12:30pm.\uc0\u8232 \ \f2\b Removal of Artworks\uc0\u8232 \f0\b0 \uc0\u8232 \f2\b Artwork must be removed immediately following the show \f0\b0 . If you can\'92t be there, please make arrangements for someone to pick up your work for you. \ \f2\b Disclaimer \f0\b0 \ *No insurance is available. While every effort will be made to carefully house and present your artwork, neither RSCC or its employees are responsible for lost or damaged works. The art gallery will not be open for viewing unless a monitor is present in the gallery.\ *Any sales inquiries will be directed to the artist. Any questions should be directed to Bryan Wilkerson at (865) 354-3000 ext. 4748 or e-mailed to {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "mailto:wilkersonbs@roanestate.edu"}}{\fldrslt \cf8 \strokec8 wilkersonbs@roanestate.edu}}\uc0\u8232 \ \f2\b If you have further questions email {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "mailto:jacobssl@roanestate.edu"}}{\fldrslt \f0\b0 \cf8 \strokec8 Stacy Jacobs jacobssl@roanestate.edu}}{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "file:///Volumes/art/artshow/images/2008%20Student%20Art%20Show%20entry%20form%20example.doc"}}{\fldrslt \f0\b0 \cf8 \strokec8 \uc0\u8232 }} \f0\b0 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa800\partightenfactor0 \f1\fs80 \cf3 Timeline Overview\ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \f2\b\fs24 \cf3 \uc0\u8232 March 16th NOON: entries due \u8232 \f0\b0 \ \f2\b March 28th: student participants notified of acceptance \uc0\u8232 \u8232 April 4th: drop off of works at the O'Brien Gallery in Harriman, hang show \f0\b0 \ \f2\b Show opens April 11th\ April 21st : Reception and awards ceremony at 12:30 p.m.\uc0\u8232 \u8232 April 23rd - May 4th Student Art Show on Display in the Gallery \f0\b0 \ \f2\b ALL WORK MUST BE PICKED UP immediately following closing awards reception \f0\b0 \ \'a0\ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa120\partightenfactor0 \f1 \cf3 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.roanestate.edu/art/gallery"}}{\fldrslt \f0\fs18 \cf8 \strokec8 PLEASE VISIT THE O'BRIEN ART GALLERY}} \f0 \cf6 \strokec6 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa120\partightenfactor0 \f1 \cf3 \strokec3 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \f2\b\fs28 \cf7 \strokec7 Interested in having a show?\uc0\u8232 \fs20 Roane State Community College O'Brien Gallery \fs18 \cf2 \strokec2 \uc0\u8232 is currently accepting submissions \f0\b0\fs24 \cf6 \strokec6 \ \pard\intbl\itap2\pardeftab720\sa240\partightenfactor0 \fs18 \cf3 \strokec3 Please send four photographs or 35mm slides of your work with a return envelope with postage, an artist statement and brief gallery proposal to: \f1\fs24 \ \f0\fs18 Roane State Community College\uc0\u8232 O'Brien Art Gallery\u8232 Attention: Bryan Wilkerson\u8232 276 Patton Lane\u8232 Harriman, TN 37748\u8232 \u8232 or {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "mailto:wilkersonbs@roanestate.edu"}}{\fldrslt \cf8 \strokec8 click here}} to email your proposal electronically (please send examples of work in .jpeg format) \f1\fs24 \ \f0\fs18 All submissions will be considered \fs20 \cf2 \strokec2 \uc0\u8232 \f1\fs24 \cf3 \strokec3 \nestcell \lastrow\nestrow\cell \lastrow\row \pard\pardeftab720\sa240\qc\partightenfactor0 \cf3 \ }