The Outstanding Freshman Writer Awards were named in honor of former Roane State Associate Professor of English Beulah A. Davis (Sept 24, 1940 – Aug 20, 1984), who is recognized for her creative efforts in teaching and scholarship. Davis was a graduate of Carson-Newman College, East Tennessee State University, and the George Peabody College for Teachers.
Each academic year from November through February, instructors of ENGL 1010 and 1020 nominate the best student writing in the following essay categories: expository, literary analysis, narrative, and research. Faculty judges determine the winners anonymously, and the award recipients are honored with a plaque and a prize of $75 during April's Awards Night ceremony. Judges reserve the right to withhold awards if none of the nominated essays demonstrate excellence.
Faculty should direct their questions about the contest to De Anna D Stephens via email.
De Anna D Stephens • (865) 354-3000 ext. 5184 • Click name for email address
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