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News: Playmakers hold auditions for spring production of Much Ado About Nothing

A flyer about auditions for a play on February 8 and 9.

January 30, 2025

The Roane State Playmakers are holding auditions for the college’s spring production of Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare.

The production is open to all RSCC students, faculty, and staff as well as members of the community. Auditions will be held inside the O’Brien Theatre on the Roane County Campus.

Anyone interested in trying out for a part should book a time online at Audition slots are currently available on the following dates:

Parts in the show are available for men and women ages 16 and up. No prior acting or performing experience is required, but anyone planning to audition is encouraged to prepare a one-minute Shakespearean monologue. Those without a prepared monologue will be given a short script to read.

Please remember to arrive at 10 minutes prior to your scheduled audition time to complete the required paperwork. Anyone chosen for the cast will be notified directly of their role and anticipated rehearsal schedule.

Rehearsals will begin February 25, 2025, with the exact dates and times to be determined by casting. The production is scheduled for multiple performances between April 23 and 27, 2025, at the O’Brien Theatre.

Backstage work is also needed for this production. Signups for crew opportunities will be available during auditions, but no audition will be necessary. You must be age 16 or older for backstage work. Crew members may not be required to attend all rehearsals.

The Roane County Campus is located at 276 Patton Lane in Harriman. The O'Brien Theatre is located inside the O'Brien Building.

Any questions about the spring production or the Roane State Playmakers should be directed to Courtney Minton, theatre manager, by emailing

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