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News: Roane State supporters establish new endowment for pre-engineering students

A group of people holding a check.

Lloyd Porter presents a check to Roane State Foundation for the newly created scholarship endowment supporting pre-engineering students. Pictured (L-R) are Samantha Howard (granddaughter of the Porters), Lloyd Porter, Roane State Foundation Director of Student Programs Pam Rudnitzki, and Roane State President Chris Whaley.

January 31, 2025

Roane State Foundation supporter Lloyd Porter recently donated $100,000 to Roane State Foundation for the creation of the Lloyd and Barbara Porter Engineering Scholarship Endowment, a scholarship fund that will assist future engineers attending Roane State.

“The generosity of the Porter family will allow many future engineers at Roane State to continue their education,” said Scott Niermann, executive director of Roane State Foundation. “We are grateful for their kindhearted support of Roane State students.”

Having attended community college himself after being discharged from the US Navy, Lloyd Porter said he understands the kind of impact a scholarship can have on a student’s continued education. He was awarded a work scholarship during his early undergraduate years before transferring to the University of Tennessee, where he graduated from the College of Engineering.

“Most importantly, I created this scholarship endowment to celebrate Barbara’s legacy,” Porter explained. He described his late wife as a loving partner, mother, and grandmother who “epitomized the proverbial expression of ‘domestic engineer.’”

As a graduate of UT’s College of Engineering, Porter said he gained a great appreciation for the daily expertise Barbara possessed.

“She was a skilled seamstress, had superior culinary skills, created crafts by hand, loved gardening, and used her ‘domestic engineering’ skills in managing all of the day-to-day activities in our home,” Porter recalled. “Her stamina, creativeness, and professionalism were phenomenal.”

Porter added that he hopes Barbara’s memory will be kept alive for years to come through this new endowment, and that others will be inspired to honor their loved ones similarly.

“The Foundation is honored to be part of honoring Barbara Porter’s life and legacy,” Niermann said. “This new endowment will provide support to Roane State pre-engineering students for many generations.”

Additional information on Roane State Foundation, including donation opportunities and available scholarships for students, can be found online at

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