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Roane State Community College

TN eCampus
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Move Forward. Don't delay your future! Apply now! Register for online or traditional classes.Move Forward. Don't delay your future! Apply now!. Register for online or traditional classes.
Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.
Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.

TN eCampus

General Information

Tn eCampus students are Roane State students. You must meet all of the same admission requirements as any on-campus student. The only difference is that the classes are being delivered by TBR and there are additional fees.

All Roane State students are eligible to take courses via Tn eCampus as long as they meet the pre-requisites. Students register for the Tn eCampus classes just as they would for an on-campus class via Raidernet.

Cost & Financial Aid

Fees are based on every credit hour. Please check the current RSCC Tuition and Fees Chart for all applicable fees. Financial aid is available. More information about financial aid can be found at Roane State's Financial Aid Office.

Semester Beginning & Ending Dates

Tn eCampus uses the Common Calendar for Fall and Spring courses. The beginning and ending dates are the same for Tn eCampus and Roane State courses for those semesters. TN eCampus uses a 10 week semester in the summer leading to a different start/end date with RSCC. View the Tn eCampus course calendar.


Books for Tn eCampus courses may be purchased from the Tn eCampus Bookstore. The RSCC bookstores do not have textbooks for Tn eCampus courses, since books are usually different for Tn eCampus courses. You may purchase books by credit card, check or money order.

Which books do I need?

The Tn eCampus Bookstore lists the books required for each course. Once you know which courses you'll be taking, you may visit the bookstore to view required books. The bookstore also lists ISBN numbers so you may purchase your texts elsewhere. Please note that this is at your own risk.

Charging Books to Excess Financial Aid

TN eCampus books can also be charged against your excess Financial Aid. Complete the TN eCampus Book Voucher and email it to the Business Office at The voucher must be filled out completely meaning all book information, a shipping method, new or used selected, and address information on where to ship the books.

Please note, this process will take several days to complete so it is imperative if you wish to use the voucher process, you submit the form to the Business Office before the semester begins.

Taking Tests & Exams

While the vast majority of Tn eCampus courses do not, some Tn eCampus courses required proctored examinations. If your course requires a proctored examination, it will be stated in the course's syllabus. Tn eCampus has two options for proctoring:

Tn eCampus Student Liaison

Matthew Ward
Click above for email address
(865) 882-4602


Matthew Ward • (865) 882-4602 • Click name for email address

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