RSCC Policies & Guidelines
Roane State Community College
Policy Number: GA-17-02
Subject: Cell Telephone
- Cell Telephone Service
- Where there is a business necessity, employees may obtain a college cell phone upon approval from the department head or supervisor, vice president or other administrator reporting directly to the president and Vice President (VP) for Business & Finance. Every effort shall be made to limit the use of cell phones to necessary calls when the use of a land-line is not reasonably available and the urgency of the matter requires the use of a cell phone.
- Telephone Services will assist the requesting department in determining the most appropriate monthly airtime plan.
- No collect calls may be accepted on a college authorized cell phone.
- No 900, 975, or other similar calls may be placed from any college authorized phone.
- The billed department is responsible for assuring compliance with all cell usage regulations.
- It is the responsibility of each employee to identify personal calls on the billing report received from the cellular company and reimburse the college at the Business Office by the end of the month following receipt of the cellular company billing report. This reimbursement shall include the cost of the call(s) plus any state tax. Personal calls include identifiable incoming and outgoing calls. The Cell Phone Personal Use Worksheet on the Telecommunications website is to be used for reimbursing the college for personal calls.
- For all plan types, i.e., fixed fee regardless of minutes used, base monthly fee plus specified plan minutes, all usage pay as you go, etc., reimbursement is equal to the amount computed by dividing total personal minutes used by total minutes used times the total amount of the bill including all taxes and other charges.
- In lieu of providing a college cell phone, when more feasible, the President may authorize a monthly stipend for use of an employee’s cell phone for college business. The amount of the stipend will be communicated in writing by the president to the VP for Business and Finance and the Payroll Office on an annual basis.
- Roane State Community College recognizes that some employees may be able to perform their duties and responsibilities more efficiently if they have cell telephone service. Under the provisions of this procedure, the college may contribute monetarily to an employee’s personal cell telephone plan by means of a cellular telephone stipend.
- Qualification
- In order to qualify for a cellular telephone stipend, an employee must complete the Application for Cellular Telephone Stipend form clearly stating why he/she believes that a cell telephone is a necessity in adequately performing his/her job duties. Volume of business calls currently being received and/or made from the employee’s personal cell phone along with projected future usage will be a determining factor.
- Examples of justification for a stipend
- An employee is required to respond to critical system failures or service disruptions
- An employee is required to have immediate communications capability to protect the safety of students, staff or the general public
- An employee routinely travels off-campus on college business
- Volume of business calls currently being received and/or made from an employee’s personal cell phone
- An employee cannot meet communications needs with other available alternatives such as a pager or a radio
- The form must be approved by the employee’s direct supervisor, the appropriate vice president, and the VP for Business and Finance. Approving authorities will consider the employee’s justification and may ask for supporting documentation to justify the request when appropriate.
- Payment
The cellular telephone stipend will be paid from department funds through the regular payroll process. These funds are charged against the individual's department budget. Such stipends are taxable income subject to required tax withholdings. The stipend is not an entitlement and is not part of the employee’s base salary.
- Appropriate Use
All telephone services must be used in compliance with all appropriate laws and regulations in the State of Tennessee.
- Other Provisions
Exceptions - The president shall have the authority to grant exceptions to this policy.
Revision History: 02/21/2005, 07/01/2007
Revision Date Effective: 08/29/2014
Revision Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Original Date Effective: 10/25/2004
Original Approval By: Wade B. McCamey, President
Office Responsible: Vice President for Business & Finance
Reviewed: 07/25/2018
© Roane State Community College
Roane State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin, sex, disability, age, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, programs, and activities. View full non-discrimination policy.
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