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RSCC Policy PA-24-02; Job Description for Academic Deans

Roane State Community College
Policy Number: PA-24-02
Subject: Job Description for Academic Deans
  1. General Organizational Relationship and Description
    The deans report to the Vice President for Student Learning. The deans are responsible for all aspects of the academic programs within their area of supervision. They both supervise and assist faculty in the conduct of their duties.
  2. Personnel Duties
    1. Recommend staffing patterns including faculty and other staff needed for the functioning of the division. This includes specifying qualifications for all positions.
    2. Aid personnel office in recruiting all full-time and part-time faculty by reviewing credentials, interviewing, and recommending those best qualified.
    3. Evaluate all members of the division according to the institutional guidelines.
    4. Abide by the institutional affirmative action plan when selecting staff.
    5. Support the personnel in the division by organizing and directing programs of professional growth.
  3. Curriculum Duties
    1. Develop new programs and courses in collaboration with division faculty.
    2. Modify or delete out-of-date programs and courses in collaboration with division faculty.
    3. Produce materials or information to be included in college brochures, catalogue, etc.
    4. Serve as resource person to other units of the college for the purpose of effective operation e.g., recommending material for the library, coordinating remediation strategies associated with courses in the division, etc.
    5. Remain active in professional organizations by attending and presenting at regional and national conferences.
    6. Ensure development of schedule of classes to be taught each term which fits in the general scheduling policy of the college. Included is the staffing of those classes and supporting those staff, e.g., textbooks, syllabi, supplies, orientation, etc.
    7. Make cut class decisions for area of responsibility.
    8. Oversee textbook adoption and acquisition.
  4. General Administrative Duties
    1. Develop divisional goals and objectives that align with the college's strategic plan.
    2. Interpret and implement college and TBR policies within the division.
    3. Serve on the Academic and Curriculum Council.
    4. Prepare budget requests/reports.
    5. Supervise the expenditure of funds, e.g., approve equipment, supplies, travel, etc.
    6. Serve on committees as assigned by the Vice President for Student Learning or president.
    7. Provide support for initiatives of the college that may affect the operation of the college, e.g., performance funding procedures, grant activities, the Learning Center, SACSCOC activities.
    8. Be responsible for all equipment assigned to the division.
    9. Recommend policies or change in policies that would enhance the operation of the college.
    10. Monitor the student advisement process.
    11. Implement a program of improvement.
    12. Compile, interpret, and share data/information that can be used to increase the college's effectiveness and efficiency.
    13. Assist in developing alternative sources of funding and provide oversight as appropriate.
  5. Perform other duties as assigned.
Revision History: 09/05/1989, 07/01/1990, 07/01/1995, 11/08/1999, 12/17/2007, 05/11/2015
Revision Date Effective: 02/20/2023
Revision Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Original Date Effective: 02/20/1989
Original Approval By: Sherry L. Hoppe, President
Office Responsible: Vice President Student Learning
Reviewed: 11/10/2022

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