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Move Forward. Don't delay your future! Apply now! Register for online or traditional classes.Move Forward. Don't delay your future! Apply now!. Register for online or traditional classes.
Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.
Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.


Graduation Ceremony

Graduating students

For information about the ceremony, please see the Graduation Ceremony page.

Am I Ready to Graduate?

If you have completed 45 hours toward an associate degree or half of the coursework required for a certificate, you may submit an Application for Graduation. Graduation is applied to a specific semester. For each semester, there is a deadline to apply to graduate.

Application for Graduation deadlines:

What If I'm Transferring? Do I Still Need a Roane State Degree?

Many transfer students leave Roane State without completing the paperwork to receive their associate degree. "Why bother?" they think. "I'm getting a bachelor's degree anyway." Here's why getting your Roane State associate degree matters, even if you are moving on to a four-year school.

Steps to Graduate

  1. Complete the Application for Graduation
    1. Login to RaiderNet
    2. Select 'Your Records'
    3. Select 'Apply to Graduate'
    4. Complete and submit the Application for Graduation
  2. Meet with your Academic Advisor to discuss your Degree Works Evaluation, possible needed course substitutions and other graduation requirements
  3. If you are a Certificate or AAS degree student, complete the Graduation Employment Status Survey online or return a copy to the Placement Office
  4. Take the ETS Proficiency Profile
  5. If needed, update your name and/or address with the Graduation Analyst
  6. Take care of any financial obligations to the college
  7. Information about the graduation ceremony will be sent by email to your RaiderNet account. Read the information carefully and complete the Commencement Participation Survey in your Alert Box (available in March).
  8. Pick up your cap and gown at the bookstore or order your cap and gown to be shipped to you. The bookstore will send an email to when caps and gowns are ready. Invitations are also available for purchase.
  9. Attend the Graduation Ceremony
  10. Pick up your diploma

Will I Graduate With Distinction?

Degree-seeking students may be eligible to graduate with distinction based on the quality point average (QPA) of coursework completed at Roane State. Academic distinction is reflected on the student's transcript and diploma. Certificate students do not qualify for academic distinction. Coursework completed at an institution other than Roane State is not considered towards academic distinction. Distinction designations are based on the following grade point averages:

Academic distinction is based on the student's cumulative GPA at the end of the semester prior to the spring ceremony.

Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony (also called "commencement") is held at the end of the spring semester only. Students who anticipate completing their coursework during the following summer are eligible to participate in ceremony exercises if the grade point average is sufficient for graduation and the Application for Graduation has been officially processed by the spring deadline. Due to the early printing date of the program, academic honors are based on the previous term's grade point average. Fall graduates will be invited to attend the following spring ceremony. Participation in the ceremony is optional, but strongly encouraged. 

Information for the ceremony is found on the Graduation Ceremony page.

Diploma Pick up, Mailing and Replacements

All diplomas will be mailed to the mailing address we have in the system. Please check your RaiderNet account to make sure your address is accurate in our system.

If you need another copy of your diploma, please fill out the Replacement Diploma Request form, and submit it to the Graduation Office. There is a $10.00 charge for each replacement diploma that is issued. Please allow one week for processing. All replacement diplomas will be mailed.


Students who need to have official copies of transcripts sent to licensing boards or other colleges/universities may request them through Raidernet, the National Student Clearinghouse, or by completing a Request for Transcript form in the One Stop Office or at any site campus. Phone requests are not accepted. Remember to check "After degree is posted" on the form, since this is different than the end of the term.

Change of Name or Address

Have you changed your name or address? Please notify the Graduation Analyst by sending an email to from your RaiderNet account if any of your personal information has changed. Please be sure to include your R Number. We utilize the information provided to us by your Intent to Graduate Form. Students who fail to notify us before the printing or mailing of diplomas may be assessed an additional fee for a replacement to be issued.



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