EDUC 2210 025 Class Dates & Times
Date Range | Days | Times | Building | Room |
1/21/2025 to 5/8/2025 | TR | 11:00 AM - 12:20 PM | OR-GOF | 336 |
Course Description
This course is an exploration of principles and processes of child and adolescent development applied to education. Emphasis is on philosophy of: learning, motivation, evaluation, theory, research, and pedagogy relating to the physical, cognitive, social, emotional and cultural development of children from conception to puberty. Insight into motivating and facilitating the teaching and learning process and classroom practices in elementary, middle and high school educational settings are presented.
Observation/Field Experience/Service Learning is required for this course.
(Note: An additional cost of a criminal background check and liability insurance may be required for Observation/Field Experience/Service Learning. Students may also be required to attend an out of class orientation and/or professional development events.)
Pre/Co-requisite of EDUC 2000 or permission from instructor.
Bookstores are located on the Roane County and Oak Ridge campuses.
Registration Information
In order to register for courses, you'll use the course's CRN (course reference number). See the Web Registration Directions for details.
Contact Information
Do you have a question about this course?
Contact this course's academic department. Be sure to mention the course number: EDUC 2210 025