MUS 112 025 Class Dates & Times

Date RangeDaysTimesBuildingRoom
1/21/2025 to 5/8/2025R7:00 PM - 9:00 PMOR-CMC

Course Description

This course requires attendance and performance in the local community choir which meets one evening a week for up to three hours and performs at least once per semester. The ensemble prepares and performs a variety of music, from pop to major choral works and selections from standard choral literature. Open to all qualified students. Required for Music majors in voice. May be repeated for credit. F, Sp
Not part of a TN Transfer Pathway.


Bookstores are located on the Roane County and Oak Ridge campuses.

Registration Information

In order to register for courses, you'll use the course's CRN (course reference number). See the Web Registration Directions for details.

Contact Information

Do you have a question about this course?
Contact this course's academic department. Be sure to mention the course number: MUS 112 025