PHIL 1030 025 Class Dates & Times
Date Range | Days | Times | Building | Room |
1/21/2025 to 5/8/2025 | TR | 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM | OR-GOF | 124 |
Course Description
This is a general introductory course designed to familiarize the student with the basics of philosophical inquiry. In this course we will discuss the "big" questions of life while looking at some of the answers the great philosophers of the Western tradition have devised. Prerequisites: No prerequisites except the ability to read and write at a college level; and to enjoy a sense of curiosity about life. Students who are unfamiliar with the internet and/or computers will want to spend some time before class starts getting to know the basics. (Prerequisite: Reading and Writing learning support classes must be completed prior to enrollment in this course.) F, Sp
Roane State General Education course approved and designed for transfer.
Bookstores are located on the Roane County and Oak Ridge campuses.
Registration Information
In order to register for courses, you'll use the course's CRN (course reference number). See the Web Registration Directions for details.
Contact Information
Do you have a question about this course?
Contact this course's academic department. Be sure to mention the course number: PHIL 1030 025