SURG 2420 L25 Class Dates & Times

Date RangeDaysTimesBuildingRoom
1/21/2025 to 5/8/2025M1:00 PM - 5:00 PMOR-GOF158

Course Description

Surgical Technology and Patient Care II builds on content learned in SURG 1410. Students continue with more in depth study of surgical team practice, patient-care concepts and practices. Students continue studies in surgical procedures, incisions, wound healing, operating, pathology and common applications along with application of surgical patient care in the lab. 3 hours lecture/4 hours lab per week.
(Prerequisites: SURG 1410)
(Co-requisites: SURG 1305, SURG 2321, BIOL 2230)


Bookstores are located on the Roane County and Oak Ridge campuses.

Registration Information

In order to register for courses, you'll use the course's CRN (course reference number). See the Web Registration Directions for details.

Contact Information

Do you have a question about this course?
Contact this course's academic department. Be sure to mention the course number: SURG 2420 L25