Please note that this text is for reference only. To complete the Financial Aid eligibility requirement you must log into your RaiderNet account, read the text contained, and submit the form.
Financial Aid Information 2023-2024 and 2024-2025
Federal Eligibility Requirements
- Must be working toward a degree or certificate listed in the RSCC catalog (Special students for credit are not eligible and courses taken to meet requirements at another institution but not required for a RSCC program are not eligible).
**To receive the Federal Pell Grant, cannot have already earned a Bachelors degree.**
- Federal financial aid, such as the Federal Pell Grant and student loans, is only applied to courses that are required for your declared major. For example, if you take four classes, but only three are in your major, then your federal financial aid will be based on the three classes in your major.
- Must have an institutional cumulative GPA of 2.0
- May not receive aid at more than one institution for the same semester.
- Must attend classes. Failure to do so may result in a reduction of awards or repayment of funds.
Federal Limits of Eligibility
- May receive aid for up to 30 attempted hours of Learning Support (including all hours from RSCC and/or any other college or university).
- May receive aid for up to 90 attempted college credit hours that are applicable to declared major (including attempted hours from transfer courses required for declared major) for all degree programs or up to the point when all courses required for the program have been completed, whichever occurs first. Extensions may be requested by completing the appeal process as outlined on the RSCC website.
- May receive aid for up to 150% of attempted hours for certificate programs that are applicable to declared major ( including attempted hours from transfer courses required for declared major). Extensions may be requested by completing the appeal process as outlined on the RSCC website.
- If you are repeating a course(s) that you have previously passed with a grade of A,B,C or D, you may repeat this course and receive federal financial aid one additional time. Incompletes during the second attempt will count and exhaust financial aid eligibility for that course.
Federal Financial Aid Suspensions
- Federal financial aid will be suspended after the spring semester when a student fails to complete 67% of total (cumulative) attempted hours, and/or
- Fails to maintain a 2.0 institutional cumulative GPA, and/or
- Exceed the limit for attempted hours for declared major as listed above in the Federal Limits of Eligibility section. The appeal process will be outlined in the notification appearing in the Alert Box located in the student's RaiderNet account and available on the RSCC website.
Official/Unofficial Withdrawals and Overpayments
- Students withdrawing from all courses during any semester may owe a repayment of federal financial aid funds.
- Repayments may not be appealed and all future financial aid is on hold until financial obligations are met.
- Unofficial Withdrawals (indicated by a grade of FA) follow the same guidelines as official withdrawals.
- If student's course schedule includes any accelerated, fast-track and/or mini-sessions, students must attend the latest starting course to avoid possible repayment of funds.
- If any form of overpayment of aid occurs during a semester, the student will be responsible for repaying the amount of the overpayment.
Award Adjustments
- Financial aid awards are based on enrollment status at time of census date (defined as 14th calendar day of each semester) or enrollment status at time of verification, if after the 14th calendar day of the semester.
- Awards will not be adjusted after the census date or after verification if occurring after census. This includes adding mini-session courses after the census date.
- Any change of major form submitted after the census date will be processed for the following semester.
Excess Aid Check Distribution
- Disbursement dates and method of disbursement are determined by the Business Office.
- Correspondence is sent to RSCC email account accessible via RaiderNet.
- Routinely check your RSCC email for important announcements, award notifications and information!
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