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Roane State Community College

Purchasing Department
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Outgoing Mail Procedures

Incoming Mail/Faculty Mailboxes

Mailboxes are in room D-109 at the Harriman campus.

Courier and USPS mail has usually been sorted into mailboxes by 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

There is a cross-referenced Harriman mailroom/routing directory posted to the right of the departmental mailboxes.


Contact Michele Oran (4712) to send an overnight FedEx package or to make other special arrangements (certified, return receipt, etc.).  FedEx packages should be in the Purchasing Department by 1 pm.

UPS packages can be sent through the RSCC Bookstore.

Outgoing Courier Mail (to employees or students at other locations)

Allow at least 2 working days for mail traveling by Courier to arrive at the recipient’s location.

  1. Make sure the envelope has all other names marked out, and the recipient’s name, division/department, and location legible on the envelope. Marked mail that is incomplete may not arrive in a timely manner.
  2. There are a series of boxes in D-109, marked with campus names. Place the envelope in the appropriate outgoing box.
  3. If you have boxes larger than the mail bin to go out, please note that these may take several days to make the transit, as the Courier’s van space is limited.

Outgoing Pre-Stamped Mail

For your convenience, there is a “Pre-Stamped Mail Only” bin located on the table to the left when entering the Mail Room. Please place any and all pre-stamped mail in this bin.

Outgoing Official RSCC Mail

When sending official RSCC mail, write your index code (obtained from your Division or Department) in the top left or right-hand corner of the envelopes. If you have multiple mailings, bundle it with rubber bands and write the index code on the topmost envelope. Put the envelope or bundle into the “Out-Going Mail to be Meter Only” bin located on the table to the left when entering the Mail Room.

If your mailing exceeds 50 at one time, please call or email Michele Oran (Ext. 4712) and/or Dana West (Ext. 4657), so the appropriate actions can be taken to ensure your mail is processed in a timely manner.

Other Important Notices

Mail must be in the Mail Room by 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, to ensure that it is processed and can be taken to the Post Office by Security at 4:00 p.m.

If you are mailing out a large envelope that has the notice “Do Not Bend” please know that your department will be charged no less than $2.62. If you are mailing out a small (letter) envelope that has the notice “Do Not Bend” please know that your department will be charged no less than $0.94.

It is not necessary to seal letter or large envelopes unless they are marked confidential.

If you have any other questions regarding mailing please contact the Purchasing Department.


Dana West • (865) 882-4657 • Click name for email address

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