RSCC Policies & Guidelines
Roane State Community College
Policy Number: PA-26-04
Subject: Performance Evaluation for Non-Faculty Personnel
- Purpose
Roane State Community College recognizes the performance evaluation process as a means by which employee and supervisor can engage in open discussion with respect to job requirements, job expectations, and job performance in order to enhance the ability of all employees to advance the mission and goals of the college.
- Policy
It is the policy of Roane State Community College that performance evaluations of Executive/Administrative/Professional and Clerical/Support staff are conducted annually, usually in the spring of each fiscal year or during the summer months immediately following the end of the fiscal year. The performance evaluation of the president is conducted by the Office of the Chancellor per TBR Policy Selection and Retention of Presidents. Access the complete TBR policy at
Employee performance evaluations should effectively measure job effectiveness and efficiency, personal and professional conduct, and quality of relationships. Evaluation of employees is intended to be participatory and developmental in nature in order to contribute to an environment of continuous growth and institutional improvement.
- Procedure
Each employee will be evaluated by their immediate supervisor utilizing standardized evaluation instruments developed by the Office of Human Resources for Executive/Administrative/Professional staff and Clerical/Support staff. The evaluation form is to be shared with the employee as part of the evaluation process and signed by both supervisor and employee as acknowledgement of its contents. The employee’s signature does not necessarily mean the employee agrees with the contents of the evaluation. Employees are encouraged to respond to the content and/or conduct of the performance evaluation in the space provided on the form for this purpose.
Once signed, the completed evaluation form is to be submitted to the Office of Human Resources for inclusion in the employee’s personnel file. The employee is entitled to a copy of the evaluation.
- Executive/Administrative/Professional staff
The evaluation process for this category of employees focuses on organization/time management, perception and judgment, communication, adaptability and flexibility, dependability, professional qualities, job knowledge/skills, quality and quantity of work, attitude/relationships, and supervisory skills (if applicable). These employees will also attach and discuss with the supervisor their objectives in support of department goals as well as a summary of their professional development activities for the year. For any category in which the employee receives a rating of “Unacceptable,” a structured improvement plan is required and performance in the area will be reevaluated in 90 days.
- Clerical/Support Staff
The evaluation process for this category of employees focuses on job knowledge and skills, analytical ability and judgment, productivity, accuracy and thoroughness, work relationships/attitude, attendance and punctuality, communication skills, personal characteristics, and supervisory skills (if applicable). For any category in which the employee receives a rating of “Unacceptable,” a structured improvement plan is required and performance in the area will be reevaluated in 90 days.
- Probationary Evaluations
The initial probationary period for all non-faculty employees is five months. Each employee shall receive a formal performance evaluation at the conclusion of the probationary period as a means of determining quality of job performance and potential for continued success in the position. At this time, the supervisor determines whether the employee is to be retained or the probationary period extended. An improvement plan is required if the employee’s probation is extended.
- Supervisory Evaluations
Employees shall have the opportunity to evaluate their supervisor by completing a Supervisor Development Feedback form and submitting this form to their supervisor’s immediate supervisor. The form is accessible on the Office of Human Resources webpage. A summary of these responses becomes part of the supervisor’s evaluation process and will be used for the individual’s continuous improvement.
Revision Date Effective: 02/26/2024
Original Date Effective: 11/09/2018
Original Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Office Responsible: Vice President for Business & Finance
Reviewed: 02/09/2024
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