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RSCC Policy AA-13-01; Library Collection Development Criteria

Roane State Community College
Policy Number: AA-13-01
Subject: Library Collection Development Criteria
  1. Introduction
    This policy outlines the operational guidelines used by the RSCC Library in its acquisitions and maintenance of materials. This policy will be used to guide the process of developing and maintaining the RSCC Library collection.
    The library collection exists to support the mission of Roane State Community College (RSCC). The material selected for inclusion in the collection reflects the immediate and future goals of the library, college, students, and faculty. The collection strives to include information and research resources suitable for a culturally diverse college community, and the collection includes books, periodicals, films, and electronic materials for all campus locations and online programs.
  2. Objectives of Collection Development
    Primary consideration will be given to acquiring materials that support the instructional programs of Roane State Community College. Materials are also selected to contribute to the general enrichment of students and lifelong learning. Objectives of collection development are to:
    1. Optimize access to materials by providing various formats.
    2. Provide materials that will enrich and support the curriculum and that supports programs at all campuses for all modes of delivery.
    3. Provide materials that support general education.
    4. Provide materials that will stimulate growth of factual knowledge.
    5. Provide materials objectively, including materials that present diverse views of controversial issues to develop the practice of critical reading and thinking.
    6. Provide information that will enable students to make intelligent decisions in their daily lives.
    7. Provide materials representative of different religious, ethnic, and cultural groups.
  3. Selection Responsibility
    The Director of Library Services is responsible for the quality of the library collection and has final approval on selection of library materials. Working in consultation with faculty, librarians have overall responsibility for the development, maintenance, and weeding of the collection. Recommendations for titles to be added to the collection may be made by any member of the college community.
  4. New Materials Selection Criteria
    1. General Criteria
      1. Primary consideration is given to developing collections that support the instructional programs of Roane State Community College. Attention is also given to the changing emphasis of the curriculum and the development of new courses and programs. Materials that provide background information and those that relate directly to assignments and term paper research topics are included.
      2. Priority will be given to replacing materials missing from the collection as determined through inventory analysis.
      3. In general, duplicate copies will not be purchased for the same location. Requests for multiple copies will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
      4. Priority is given to English language materials, except in foreign language courses.
      5. Materials are selected to contribute to the general education of the students and may be useful to students pursuing research topics not specifically addressed in the course outline.
      6. Materials chosen will be relevant to current scholarship, including seminal works.
      7. Both print and electronic materials selected represent diverse views of controversial issues and contribute information from authoritative sources.
      8. Materials are also chosen for personal enrichment and for instilling in the user an awareness of libraries and their potential as a lifelong source of information, recreation, and personal development.
      9. Materials will be selected to assist the faculty in preparation for teaching and for general research in their subject areas.
    2. Specific Criteria
      The following specific criteria apply to the selection of resources in subject areas taught at the college:
      1. Relevance of the subject matter to the above objectives.
      2. Appropriateness to a community college collection in terms of academic level.
      3. Timeliness or permanence of the materials.
      4. Reputation of the author or publisher.
      5. Availability of material on the subject.
      6. Inclusion of the title in recognized bibliographies and indices.
      7. Soundness of scholarship.
      8. Faculty suggestion or recommendation.
      9. Duplication of print and electronic formats.
      10. Impact on accessibility.
      11. Accuracy and validity of the information.
      12. Cost of the material (on a one-time or continuing basis).
    3. Additional Criteria Applicable to Electronic Resources
      1. Equal access provided on and off campus.
      2. Need for staff and user training.
      3. Compatibility with existing library systems.
      4. Current and projected database requirements.
      5. Technical support offered by database vendor.
      6. Overall user-friendliness and accessibility compliance in database access.
      7. Resources provide full-text, abstract, or bibliographic information.
  5. Gifts and Donations
    All gifts donated to the library become the property of the RSCC library and will not be returned to the donors. The same criteria for new materials will be used to evaluate gift and donated books for inclusion in the collection. Any gifts not added to the collection will be sold, exchanged, donated or discarded as deemed appropriate by the professional library staff. Library staff will provide a letter of acknowledgement of receipt of materials but will not appraise the material’s donated value. Sample copies cannot be added to the collection for circulation.
  6. Replacement of Materials
    Lost, missing, or damaged materials will not be automatically replaced but subjected to the same criteria established for new materials selection.
  7. Textbooks
    The library will not typically purchase textbooks, instructor guides, workbooks, lab manuals or other consumable materials to support current course offerings. Exceptions may include those items deemed to be the best source of information on a particular subject, items required for accreditation, or items to fill a demonstrated need. The library may accept textbooks, including sample copies, donated by faculty to be added to course reserves.
  8. Retention and Weeding Policies
    Weeding refers to the continuous process by which items are withdrawn from the collection. RSCC librarians collaborate with subject area faculty to review the collection for weeding. The same criteria for selection will be used for discarding materials. Weeding extends to all materials in the library collection. General criteria for weeding include the following:
    1. Material contains outdated or inaccurate information.
    2. Material no longer serves a curricular need (program or study area terminated).
    3. Materials no longer used by faculty for teaching purposes.
    4. Superseded editions of materials.
    5. Worn out or damaged materials.
    6. Optimize availability of materials by providing print and online resources.
    7. Coverage of the subject by other materials.
    8. Past or projected lack of use based on circulation.
    9. Lack of reference, historical, or critical value.
    10. Conversion to another format (online access).
  9. Intellectual Freedom
    The Roane State Community College Library affirms the importance of intellectual freedom as a fundamental tenet in carrying out its educational mission in a democratic society. The library also affirms that “commitment to intellectual freedom is a core responsibility for the library and information profession” as stated in the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Statement on Libraries and Intellectual Freedom. The library firmly endorses the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, Freedom to View Statement and Intellectual Freedom Principles for Academic Libraries.
  10. Reconsideration of Library Materials
    The library collects materials that represent differing opinions on controversial matters. Selection is made without partisanship regarding race, sex, religion, or moral matters. In the event a patron has a question or concern regarding a particular selection, the patron may submit a Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources form. This form must be completed in its entirety. A committee comprised of the Director of Library Services, librarians, a student representative, and a faculty representative will evaluate the request and formulate an appropriate response. The Director of Library Services will communicate with the library patron regarding their request. The item in question will not be removed from the library unless it fails to meet any of the criteria for new materials selection.

Revision Date Effective: 06/03/2024
Revision Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Original Date Effective: 01/11/1988
Original Approval By: Cuyler A. Dunbar, President
Office Responsible: Vice President Student Learning
Reviewed: 05/16/2024

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