All students pursuing an AST degree must complete the Praxis Core exam, with passing scores, unless an ACT score of 21 or higher has been earned and is on the students official record.
Praxis Core Passing Scores:
It is the responsibility of the student to make sure the scores are on record both at RSCC and at the university in which they plan to transfer. Praxis Core must be completed,a nd passed, before receiving the AST degree.
Students can register for the test through the Praxis website. The testing codes and prices are as follows:
Title | Code | Price |
Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics | 5733 | $90 |
Core Academic Skills for Educators: Reading | 5713 | $90 |
Core Academic Skills for Educators: Writing | 5723 | $90 |
Core Academic Skills for Educators: Combined | 5752 | $150 |
Students will need to make sure that they have scores sent to RSCC and the university in which students will transfer. Listed are the codes that students may need:
To access study materials from the Praxis website, click “Prepare for a Test” in the Quick Links section. Use the dropdown menu to select a test using the test name. The page will show a list of several test preparation materials for student use. Currently, ETS is providing free access to the Kahn Academy for all students who have registered for the Praxis Core.
Students also have free access to Praxis Core study books through the RSCC Library on the Roane and Oak Ridge Branch campus. Study books are also located in the Education Workrooms (to be used on campus) in Roane (O-224) and Oak Ridge (Goff 336).
Praxis Study Night
Need to take the Praxis Core still? Come study with your peers for the Praxis Study Night. We will have both EDU and MATH 1410/1420 faculty available to assist you. We will also copies of practice test for you to take. Come prepared to study and help your peers study for the Praxis Core! (You can bring your own snacks and drinks!)
Stacie Bradshaw • (865) 354-3000 ext. 4773 • Click name for email address
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