RSCC Policies & Guidelines
Roane State Community College
Policy Number: PA-26-03
Subject: Orientation, Evaluation and Supervision of Adjunct Faculty
- Orientation
Adjunct faculty are employed on a per-term, per-hour or per-course basis. Terms and responsibilities of adjunct faculty are determined on the basis of need at the time of employment.
A formal adjunct faculty in-service session is held annually, and all adjunct faculty are strongly encouraged to attend. The sessions provide faculty with information regarding the college's mission and goals, as well as in-service programming designed to enhance professional development. Attendance at other campus in-service activities is also encouraged.
Depending upon the size of the division and the discipline, adjunct faculty may be assigned a full-time faculty mentor. The mentor serves as a link between the full-time and part-time staff and provides guidance and information as needed.
The division dean will take into consideration numerous factors in the assignment of adjunct faculty to the full-time faculty mentor.
- Evaluation
The purpose of the adjunct faculty evaluation process is to provide an assessment of faculty performance within the evaluation period and to provide feedback to faculty that can be used in the development of teaching skills. All full-time professional staff who teach will be evaluated in the adjunct evaluation process.
The division dean is the supervisor of record for all adjunct faculty teaching within the division. The dean will prepare a summary of evaluation materials each semester. The results will be shared with the faculty member and reported to the administration along with the supervisors' recommendations.
- Student Evaluations
The evaluation process consists of student evaluations of all classes taught each term. Student evaluations are administered in accordance with procedures used for full-time faculty.
- Instructional Observations
In addition, all adjunct faculty will be observed in the instructional setting according to the following schedule:
- First Two Terms: Minimum of one instructional observation per semester
- Third and Fourth Terms: Minimum of one instructional observation per calendar year
After the fourth term of service, the division head may elect to reduce or eliminate classroom observations for those adjunct faculty members whose performance is deemed satisfactory by other evaluation measures.
The purpose of the classroom visitation is to describe performance in such a way that teaching may be enhanced or improved. The observation report should be used to develop and reinforce positive teaching behaviors.
The division dean, program director, coordinator, or full-time faculty mentor may conduct observations. A holistic observation instrument may be used to serve as an observation guide and as a means to record teaching behaviors. If deemed appropriate, follow-up observations may be conducted. The written observation report will be submitted to the adjunct faculty member and the division dean, but will not be attached to the evaluation document. Instead the division dean will include a summary of instructional observations on the evaluation form.
- Instructional Material Review
The division dean may request to review material used by the adjunct faculty in a particular course. This portfolio may include the course syllabus, supplemental teaching materials, and tests.
Revision Date Effective: 08/20/2018
Revision Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Original Date Effective: 03/28/2000
Original Approval By: William S. Fuqua, III, Interim President
Office Responsible: Vice President Student Learning
Reviewed: 07/26/2022
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