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Roane State Community College

Schedule of Classes
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Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.
Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.

Schedule of Classes

This printable schedule was last updated 1/19/25 at 03:00 PM.

Course Section Codes (Delivery)

Code Delivery Type
C Clinical, for health sciences
E Enhanced, to be paired with a Learning Support course
H Hybrid, meets in a classroom periodically and online otherwise
L Laboratory
S Web (synchronous), meets online at specific times using video technology
T Meets in a classroom connected to additional campuses by video technology
W Web, take online without set meeting times (does not require travel to campus)
X Web, take online without set meeting times (may require travel for orientation, test proctoring, or service learning)
Z Accelerated

Day Codes

Code Meeting Type
M Meets on Mondays
T Meets on Tuesdays
W Meets on Wednesdays
R Meets on Thursdays
F Meets on Fridays
S Meets on Saturdays
U Meets on Sundays
RSCC, Oak Ridge Branch
CRNCourse #TitleTimeDaysRoomCreditInstructorSeats
10003 SAVEACCT 1010 025Principles of Accounting I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRC-1093William FarmerClosed
25 / 25
10006 SAVEACCT 1020 025Principles of Accounting II11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRC-1093William Farmer10 / 25
10009 SAVEACCT 1020 T25Principles of Accounting II6:30 PM - 9:30 PMMG-2013Raymond McGhee0 / 10
10014 SAVEACCT 2332 025Topics in Taxation6:00 PM - 9:00 PMT2153Raymond McGhee8 / 22
10015 SAVEACCT 2341 025Cost Accounting6:00 PM - 9:00 PMR2153Raymond McGhee7 / 30
10016 SAVEACCT 2382 025Accounting Systems Application2:00 PM - 4:50 PMRH-2003William Farmer5 / 22
11574 SAVEANTH 1130 H25Intro to Biol/Physical Anthrop9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTH-2373Jessica Dalton-Carriger13 / 20
▲ Note:
  • This is a Hybrid Course that will meet live one dayper week on the day indicated. All other work will becompleted via Momentum.
11062 SAVEART 1035 H25Introduction to Art11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMW
Meeting dates
C-1043Lauren Strohacker24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***Note that this is a hybrid course, which requires additional independent work outside of the classroom.
11637 SAVEART 1035 H26Introduction to Art12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMW
Meeting dates
C-1043Lauren Strohacker22 / 25
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester. ***Note that this is a hybrid course, which requires additional independent work outside of the classroom.
11563 SAVEART 1510 025Ceramics I: Handbuilding9:00 AM - 11:55 AMTRC-1203Bryan WilkersonClosed
6 / 6
11564 SAVEART 1520 025Ceramics II: Throwing9:00 AM - 11:55 AMTRC-1203Bryan Wilkerson2 / 3
11767 SAVEART 1540 025Ceramics IV9:00 AM - 11:55 AMTRC-1203Bryan WilkersonClosed
1 / 1
10039 SAVEASTR 1020 025Stars and Galaxies Astronomy6:00 PM - 9:00 PMRH-2074Noah Frere10 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Class session for January 23 will meet at the Oak Ridge campus. Further instruction for lecture location will be given by the instructor.
11248 SAVEASTR 1020 L25LAB-Stars & Galaxies Astronomy6:00 PM - 9:00 PMMH-2070Noah Frere10 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Class session for January 27 will meet at the Oak Ridge campus. All remaining LAB class sessions will be held at the observatory, 334 Caney Creek Road Rockwood, TN 37854. Specific directions to the observatory will be provided during the first class session.
10042 SAVEBIOL 1110 025General Biology I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWH-2054Jason Payne19 / 24
10044 SAVEBIOL 1110 027General Biology I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWG-2134Ashley Galloway19 / 23
10045 SAVEBIOL 1110 028General Biology I11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRG-2134Amanda Neudenberger8 / 23
10050 SAVEBIOL 1110 L26LAB - General Biology I3:00 PM - 5:00 PMMG-2030Jason Payne15 / 24
10051 SAVEBIOL 1110 L27LAB - General Biology I3:30 PM - 5:30 PMWG-2030Ashley Galloway14 / 24
10052 SAVEBIOL 1110 L28LAB - General Biology I9:30 AM - 11:30 AMFG-2030Amanda Neudenberger19 / 24
10056 SAVEBIOL 1120 025General Biology II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRG-2134Amanda Neudenberger22 / 23
10057 SAVEBIOL 1120 026General Biology II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWG-2134Ashley GallowayClosed
23 / 23
10058 SAVEBIOL 1120 027General Biology II2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMWG-2134Ashley Galloway11 / 23
10064 SAVEBIOL 1120 L25LAB - General Biology II2:00 PM - 4:00 PMTG-2030Amanda Neudenberger22 / 23
11326 SAVEBIOL 1120 L26LAB - General Biology II12:30 PM - 2:30 PMRG-2030Jacquelyn Bowling12 / 24
11327 SAVEBIOL 1120 L27LAB - General Biology II12:30 PM - 2:30 PMFG-2030Amanda Neudenberger23 / 24
11328 SAVEBIOL 2010 025Human Anatomy and Phys I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRH-2084M Saeed Rahmanian24 / 30
10073 SAVEBIOL 2010 026Human Anatomy and Phys I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRH-2084Kathryn WibkingClosed
30 / 30
10074 SAVEBIOL 2010 027Human Anatomy and Phys I5:00 PM - 6:20 PMTRH-2084Curtis Jamison26 / 30
10075 SAVEBIOL 2010 028Human Anatomy and Phys I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWH-2024Isabel Benitez-RamirezClosed
29 / 29
10079 SAVEBIOL 2010 L25LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys I6:30 PM - 9:30 PMRG-2090Curtis Jamison23 / 24
10080 SAVEBIOL 2010 L26LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys I3:00 PM - 5:59 PMTG-2090Kathryn WibkingClosed
24 / 24
10081 SAVEBIOL 2010 L27LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys I11:30 AM - 2:30 PMWG-2090M Saeed Rahmanian23 / 24
10083 SAVEBIOL 2010 L28LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys I11:30 AM - 2:29 PMMG-2090Isabel Benitez-RamirezClosed
24 / 24
12173 SAVEBIOL 2010 L29LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys I3:00 PM - 5:59 PMWG-2090Curtis Jamison14 / 24
10087 SAVEBIOL 2020 025Human Anatomy and Phys II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWH-2084M Saeed Rahmanian19 / 28
10090 SAVEBIOL 2020 027Human Anatomy and Phys II2:00 PM - 3:20 PMTRH-2084John Noto27 / 28
10088 SAVEBIOL 2020 028Human Anatomy and Phys II11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRH-2084Kathryn Wibking25 / 28
10098 SAVEBIOL 2020 L25LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys II3:30 PM - 6:29 PMRG-2110John Noto23 / 24
11330 SAVEBIOL 2020 L28LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys II11:00 AM - 1:59 PMMG-2110Kathryn WibkingClosed
24 / 24
10101 SAVEBIOL 2020 L29LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys II11:30 AM - 2:30 PMWG-2110Kathryn Wibking22 / 24
10108 SAVEBIOL 2230 025Microbiology8:00 AM - 9:20 AMTRG-2134Pamela Siergiej16 / 23
10109 SAVEBIOL 2230 026Microbiology12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWH-2084Pamela Siergiej15 / 24
10114 SAVEBIOL 2230 L25LAB - Microbiology2:30 PM - 5:30 PMWG-2080Jason Payne15 / 24
10115 SAVEBIOL 2230 L26LAB - Microbiology11:00 AM - 1:59 PMTG-2080Pamela Siergiej16 / 24
10120 SAVEBUSN 1300 H25Personal Finance6:30 PM - 8:30 PMM2153David Rath10 / 21
10121 SAVEBUSN 1305 025Introduction to Business12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTR2153David Rath7 / 24
10122 SAVEBUSN 1305 026Introduction to Business9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMW2153David Rath12 / 24
10129 SAVEBUSN 1380 T25Supervisory Management5:30 PM - 6:50 PMM3243Shawn Bucher6 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This is a Hybrid Course which meets every Monday night and requires additional independent work outside of the classroom.
10137 SAVEBUSN 2350 025Organizational Behavior11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMW3243Shawn Bucher12 / 23
10138 SAVEBUSN 2370 025Legal Environment for Business11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTR2153David Rath14 / 24
12184 SAVEBUSN 2380 027Principles of Marketing12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTR
Meeting dates
3Shawn Bucher3 / 20
10142 SAVECHEM 1010 025Introductory Chemistry I5:00 PM - 6:20 PMMWC-1104Alexandria Bone12 / 24
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional lab (all labs on-ground) OR web (asynchronous).
10143 SAVECHEM 1010 L25LAB - Intro to Chemistry I6:30 PM - 9:30 PMMG-2040Athena Baranowski14 / 24
▲ Note:
  • This class is taught by conventional method (all labs meet on-ground).
10145 SAVECHEM 1110 025General Chemistry I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRC-1104Stephen AndersonClosed
24 / 24
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional lab (all labs on-ground) OR web (asynchronous) OR hybrid (web asynchronous + ground).
10147 SAVECHEM 1110 L25LAB - General Chemistry I2:00 PM - 4:59 PMTG-2040Stephen Anderson18 / 24
▲ Note:
  • This lab is taught by conventional method. All labs meet on-ground.
11114 SAVECHEM 1110 L26LAB - General Chemistry I2:00 PM - 4:59 PMRG-2040Stephen Anderson6 / 24
▲ Note:
  • The hybrid lab section consists of at least 6 on-campus laboratory sessions for hands-on, conventional experiments, with the remaining 6 to 8 sessions conducted asynchronously.
10151 SAVECHEM 1120 025General Chemistry II8:00 AM - 9:20 AMTR1044Sylvia Pastor33 / 35
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional (all labs on-ground) OR web (asynchronous) OR hybrid (web asynchronous + ground).
10157 SAVECHEM 1120 L26LAB - General Chemistry II12:30 PM - 3:29 PMWG-2040Athena Baranowski6 / 24
▲ Note:
  • This lab is taught by conventional method. All labs meet on-ground.
10160 SAVECHEM 2020 025Organic Chemistry II6:30 PM - 7:50 PMMW2264Allen Ward11 / 18
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional (on-ground) lab OR a virtual lab (all components are completed online).
10161 SAVECHEM 2020 L25LAB - Organic Chemistry II6:00 PM - 9:00 PMT2450Allen Ward9 / 18
▲ Note:
  • This course is taught by conventional method; all labs meet on-ground.
11670 SAVECHEM 2020 L26LAB - Organic Chemistry II9:00 AM - 6:00 PMS2450Allen Ward2 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This is a hybrid lab taught both by asynchronous and conventional methods. Students enrolled in this lab section will be required to come to the Oak Ridge campus three Saturdays during the term. February 15, cover labs 1, 2 and 3; March 22 cover labs 5 and 6; April 19, cover labs 7, 8 and 9. This lab is designed for students who need a hands-on lab (for example, students majoring in chemistry, engineering or those where the professional school you are planning to attend requires an in-person, hand-on lab) but are unable to meet on-campus weekly. There will be one additional virtual lab that must be completed. Any student enrolled in a CHEM 2020 lecture may choose this option. Check with your transfer institution to determine if you need an in-person lab.
10162 SAVECHET 1300 025Process Equipment5:00 PM - 6:50 PMR1353Robert Milazzo13 / 15
11671 SAVECHET 1300 026Process Equipment11:00 AM - 12:50 PMM1353Robert Milazzo8 / 15
10163 SAVECHET 1300 L25LAB-Process Equipment7:00 PM - 10:00 PMR1350Robert Milazzo13 / 15
11672 SAVECHET 1300 L26LAB-Process Equipment1:00 PM - 4:00 PMM1350Robert Milazzo8 / 15
10164 SAVECHET 1320 025Process Control Instrum I5:00 PM - 6:50 PMW1153Daniel Matherly10 / 15
11673 SAVECHET 1320 026Process Control Instrum I9:00 AM - 10:50 AMW1153Linda Puzey10 / 15
10165 SAVECHET 1320 L25LAB-Process Control Instrum I7:00 PM - 10:00 PMW1090Daniel Matherly10 / 15
▲ Note:
11674 SAVECHET 1320 L26LAB-Process Control Instrum I11:00 AM - 2:00 PMW1090Linda Puzey10 / 15
10166 SAVECHET 1410 025Process Operations I5:00 PM - 7:50 PMF1154Daniel Matherly8 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students who take CHET 1410 025 must take CHET 1410 L25.
11675 SAVECHET 1410 026Process Operations I10:00 AM - 12:50 PMF1154Daniel Matherly8 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students who take CHET 1410 026 must take CHET 1410 L26 (NO SATURDAY LABS).
10167 SAVECHET 1410 L25LAB - Process Operations I8:00 PM - 10:00 PMF1090David Cecala8 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Two Saturday labs from 9:00-5:00 will be required. Dates will be announced in class.
11626 SAVECHET 1410 L26LAB - Process Operations I2:00 PM - 5:00 PMF1090David Cecala8 / 15
11398 SAVECHET 2300 025Chemical Process Simulation5:00 PM - 10:00 PMW1353Robert Milazzo7 / 15
11212 SAVECHET 2310 025Process Operations II7:01 PM - 9:00 PMR1043Linda Puzey18 / 21
11213 SAVECHET 2310 L25LAB-Process Operations II5:00 PM - 6:30 PMT1150David Cecala9 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students who take CHET 2310 L25 must also take CHET 2320 L25. This includes six Saturday labs that are required. Dates will be announced in class.
11824 SAVECHET 2310 L26LAB-Process Operations II9:00 AM - 11:59 AMT1150David Cecala9 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students who take CHET 2310 L26 must also take CHET 2320 L26. (NO SATURDAY LABS).
11214 SAVECHET 2320 025Process Ctrl and Inst II5:00 PM - 7:00 PMR1043Linda Puzey18 / 21
11215 SAVECHET 2320 L25LAB-Process Ctrl and Inst II6:45 PM - 8:15 PMT1090David Cecala9 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students who take CHET 2310 L25 must also take CHET 2320 L25. This includes six Saturday labs that are required. Dates will be announced in class.
11825 SAVECHET 2320 L26LAB-Process Ctrl and Inst II12:15 PM - 3:15 PMT1090David Cecala9 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students who take CHET 2310 L26 must also take CHET 2320 L26. (NO SATURDAY LABS).
10176 SAVECITC 1351 025Principles of Information Assu9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTR3083George MeghabghabClosed
15 / 15
12171 SAVECITC 1351 026Principles of Information Assu11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTR3083George Meghabghab7 / 15
11051 SAVECOLS 1010 H25SOS - Study, Organize, Succeed9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMW
Meeting dates
C-1113Nancy HamiltonClosed
22 / 22
▲ Note:
  • ***This class meets in the classroom each week during the days and times listed above. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11505 SAVECOLS 1010 H27SOS - Study, Organize, Succeed5:30 PM - 8:20 PMW
Meeting dates
C-1023Kaila Jolly19 / 20
▲ Note:
  • ***This class meets in the classroom each week during the days and times listed above. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10953 SAVECOLS 1010 Z25SOS - Study, Organize, Succeed9:00 AM - 12:00 PMF
Meeting dates
2093Nancy HamiltonClosed
15 / 15
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information
10183 SAVECOMM 2025 025Fundamentals of Communication12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWC-1173Deborah MagillClosed
23 / 23
10184 SAVECOMM 2025 026Fundamentals of Communication2:00 PM - 3:20 PMTRC-1173Valeria Roberson14 / 23
10185 SAVECOMM 2025 027Fundamentals of Communication9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWC-1173Deborah Magill14 / 23
10186 SAVECOMM 2025 028Fundamentals of Communication11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRC-1173Valeria Roberson14 / 23
11465 SAVECOMM 2025 029Fundamentals of Communication6:00 PM - 9:00 PMMC-1183Amy McCarroll5 / 23
11598 SAVECOMM 2025 030Fundamentals of Communication11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWH-2383Michael Golebiewski15 / 23
10217 SAVEDHYG 112 025Dental Science II8:00 AM - 11:00 AMWC-1193Melinda Gill11 / 12
10218 SAVEDHYG 121 C25Clinical Dental Hygiene ID-1071Jessica Rockwell3 / 4
10219 SAVEDHYG 121 C26Clinical Dental Hygiene ID-1071Jessica RockwellClosed
4 / 4
10220 SAVEDHYG 121 C27Clinical Dental Hygiene ID-1071Jessica RockwellClosed
4 / 4
10221 SAVEDHYG 141 025Principals of Dental Hygiene I1:00 PM - 4:00 PMWD-1083Jessica Rockwell11 / 12
10222 SAVEDHYG 161 025Biochemistry and Nutrition1:00 PM - 4:00 PMTC-1163Jessica Rockwell11 / 12
10223 SAVEDHYG 211 025Dental Hygiene Seminar8:00 AM - 9:55 AMFC-1162Melinda Gill8 / 12
10224 SAVEDHYG 212 025Community Dental Health8:00 AM - 9:55 AMMC-1193Jessica Rockwell8 / 12
10225 SAVEDHYG 212 L25Community Dental Health8:00 AM - 11:00 AMT0Melinda Gill8 / 12
10226 SAVEDHYG 222 C25Clinical Dental Hygiene III8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
2Jessica Rockwell4 / 6
10227 SAVEDHYG 222 C26Clinical Dental Hygiene III8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
2Jessica Rockwell4 / 6
10228 SAVEDHYG 242 025Prin of Dental Hygiene III10:00 AM - 11:55 AMMC-1192Jessica Rockwell8 / 12
10999 SAVEECED 1310 H25Intro to Early Childhood Edu6:30 PM - 9:30 PMR
Meeting dates
3443Jennifer Bilbrey15 / 24
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information. Fieldwork required. Required Class Meeting Dates: 1/23, 2/20, 3/27, 5/1
11000 SAVEECED 2310 H25Safe, Healthy Learning Envir6:30 PM - 9:30 PMT
Meeting dates
3443Jennifer Frost17 / 24
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information. Fieldwork required. Required Class Meeting Dates: 1/21, 2/11, 3/4.
11021 SAVEECED 2315 H25Early Childhood Curriculum6:30 PM - 9:30 PMT
Meeting dates
3443Jessica JonesClosed
24 / 24
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information. Fieldwork required. Required Class Meeting Dates: 3/18, 4/8, 4/29.
10231 SAVEECED 2320 H25Infant, Toddler, Child Dev6:00 PM - 9:00 PMM3443Saundra Stiles18 / 24
▲ Note:
  • Fieldwork required. Required Class Meeting Dates: 2/3, 3/3, 3/31, 4/28.
10232 SAVEECED 2335 H25Initial Practicum6:00 PM - 9:00 PMW3353Jennifer Bilbrey24 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Fieldwork required. Required Class Meeting Dates: 1/22, 2/19, 3/26, 4/30.
11022 SAVEECED 2340 H25Family Dynamics and Comm Invol6:30 PM - 9:30 PMR
Meeting dates
3443Esther Loudin16 / 24
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 7-week course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information. Fieldwork required. Required class Meeting dates: 3/20, 4/3, and 4/17.
10237 SAVEECON 2200 025Principles of Microeconomics2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMW3353William Schramm20 / 24
▲ Note:
  • Flipped class: material delivered online, in-person lab/help sessions; exams in a RSCC Testing Center.
12087 SAVEEDUC 2000 025Intro to Education9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTR3363Stacie Bradshaw13 / 16
▲ Note:
  • This course requires 10 hours of observation in a public school setting. This course is textless.
12089 SAVEEDUC 2210 025Educational Psychology11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTR3363Stacie Bradshaw9 / 16
▲ Note:
  • This course requires 5 hours of service learning.
11254 SAVEEHTC 1301 025Indust Hygiene and Safety I6:00 PM - 9:00 PMTR
Meeting dates
3073Pete Calkin19 / 20
10264 SAVEEHTC 2311 T25Safety & Emergency Response6:00 PM - 9:00 PMW2253Alfred Rybka11 / 15
10265 SAVEEHTC 2315 025App Radiological Ctrl Tech6:00 PM - 9:00 PMM1243Robert Oliver23 / 25
11665 SAVEEHTC 2320 025Industrial Hyg and Safety II6:00 PM - 9:00 PMTR
Meeting dates
3073Pete Calkin7 / 20
10332 SAVEENGL 0510 025Writing Learning Support9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWC-1183Matthew McDonald14 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an enhanced section of ENGL 1010, denoted by a section number beginning with an “E”.
10333 SAVEENGL 0510 027Writing Learning Support12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTR1043Megan Gangl-Hudson13 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an enhanced section of ENGL 1010, denoted by a section number beginning with an “E”.
11631 SAVEENGL 0510 028Writing Learning Support11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWC-1173Megan Gangl-Hudson4 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an enhanced section of ENGL 1010, denoted by a section number beginning with an “E”.
10341 SAVEENGL 1010 025Composition I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRC-1183Robert Alfonso6 / 10
10342 SAVEENGL 1010 026Composition I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRH-2383Myndalynn WordClosed
10 / 10
10343 SAVEENGL 1010 027Composition I11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWC-1183Jayme NairClosed
10 / 10
10344 SAVEENGL 1010 028Composition I6:00 PM - 9:00 PMMH-2383Matthew McDonald8 / 13
10345 SAVEENGL 1010 029Composition I2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMW3243Robert Alfonso3 / 10
10346 SAVEENGL 1010 030Composition I11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRH-2383Belita Raines7 / 13
10347 SAVEENGL 1010 031Composition I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWH-2073Myndalynn WordClosed
12 / 12
10361 SAVEENGL 1010 E25Composition I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRC-1183Robert Alfonso4 / 13
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10362 SAVEENGL 1010 E26Composition I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRH-2383Myndalynn Word11 / 13
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10363 SAVEENGL 1010 E27Composition I11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWC-1183Jayme Nair8 / 13
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10364 SAVEENGL 1010 E28Composition I6:00 PM - 9:00 PMMH-2383Matthew McDonald7 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10365 SAVEENGL 1010 E29Composition I2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMW3243Robert Alfonso8 / 13
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10366 SAVEENGL 1010 E30Composition I11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRH-2383Belita RainesClosed
10 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10367 SAVEENGL 1010 E31Composition I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWH-2073Myndalynn Word1 / 11
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10382 SAVEENGL 1020 025Composition II12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWH-2383Belita Raines12 / 23
10383 SAVEENGL 1020 026Composition II11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRH-2073Jayme Nair20 / 23
10385 SAVEENGL 1020 028Composition II6:00 PM - 9:00 PMTH-2383Krysten Anderson10 / 23
10386 SAVEENGL 1020 029Composition II11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWH-2073Robert Alfonso14 / 23
10387 SAVEENGL 1020 030Composition II12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRH-2073Jayme Nair14 / 23
11390 SAVEENGL 1020 031Composition II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRC-1173Robert Alfonso11 / 23
11119 SAVEENGL 1020 032Composition II8:00 AM - 9:20 AMMWC-1183Matthew McDonaldClosed
23 / 23
11521 SAVEENGL 2110 025Early American Literature9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWH-2383Belita Raines7 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence.
11524 SAVEENGL 2120 025Modern American Literature12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWC-1183Jayme Nair19 / 24
▲ Note:
  • Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence.
11325 SAVEENGL 2120 026Modern American Literature11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRC-1183Robert Alfonso11 / 24
▲ Note:
  • Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence..
10423 SAVEENGL 2210 025Early British Literature11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTR3243Margaret BouldinClosed
26 / 26
▲ Note:
  • Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence..
11623 SAVEENGL 2210 044Early British Literature11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMW3233Margaret Bouldin16 / 25
11216 SAVEENST 1300 025Technical Calculations5:00 PM - 8:00 PMT2263Garrett Carter7 / 15
10426 SAVEENST 1350 025Industrial Safety5:00 PM - 9:00 PMF1043Willie Ross26 / 30
11676 SAVEENST 1353 025Quality and Inspection12:00 PM - 3:00 PMR1153Ernest Luttrell13 / 15
10427 SAVEENST 1362 025Industrial Equipment5:00 PM - 6:50 PMR1153Ira Rainey12 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students who take ENST 1362-025 must take ENST 1362-L25.
11752 SAVEENST 1362 026Industrial Equipment8:00 AM - 9:50 AMM1153Linda Puzey6 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students who take ENST 1362-026 must take ENST 1362-L26.
10428 SAVEENST 1362 L25LAB-Industrial Equipment7:00 PM - 10:00 PMR1090Ira Rainey12 / 15
11753 SAVEENST 1362 L26LAB-Industrial Equipment10:00 AM - 12:50 PMM1090Linda Puzey6 / 15
10437 SAVEGEOL 1050 025Historical Geology11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRH-2034Keenan Golder11 / 20
10440 SAVEGEOL 1050 L25LAB - Historical Geology1:00 PM - 4:00 PMT2450Keenan Golder10 / 18
▲ Note:
  • The first lab meeting for this course will be held on Tuesday, February 4, 2025.
10451 SAVEHEA 221 025Safety, First Aid and CPR9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTR3STAFFClosed
0 / 0
▲ Note:
  • This course is NOT intended for healthcare professionals, but students can acquire layperson Adult, Child and Infant CPR, AED and Advanced First Aid course completion card.
11025 SAVEHEA 221 H26Safety, First Aid and CPR10:00 AM - 2:00 PMF
Meeting dates
C-1193Pamela Kelley3 / 12
▲ Note:
  • This is a third term 5-week accelerated course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information. This course will meet on the following dates: April 11, April 25, and May 2. This course is NOT intended for healthcare professionals, but students can acquire layperson Adult, Child and Infant CPR, AED and Advanced First Aid course completion card.
10483 SAVEHIST 2010 025Early United States History12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWC-1033Charlie Cobb16 / 20
10492 SAVEHIST 2020 025Modern United States History9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMW1243Charlie Cobb16 / 22
10493 SAVEHIST 2020 027Modern United States History12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRH-2383John Brown17 / 26
12189 SAVEHIST 2020 T25Modern United States History8:00 AM - 9:20 AMMW2153Charlie Cobb0 / 5
10505 SAVEHIST 2210 025Early Western Civilization3:30 PM - 4:50 PMMWC-1033Elizabeth KittsClosed
20 / 20
10508 SAVEHIST 2220 025Modern Western Civilization9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRH-2053Steven Carriger18 / 21
10512 SAVEHIST 2220 T25Modern Western Civilization12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRG-2013Elizabeth Kitts9 / 10
12134 SAVEHUM 1010 ET2Early Humanities2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMW2253Krysten AndersonClosed
1 / 1
12129 SAVEHUM 1010 T25Early Humanities2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMW2253Krysten AndersonClosed
6 / 6
10526 SAVEINFS 1010 025Computer Applications12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMW1353Zhihe Zhang19 / 25
12097 SAVEMASS 1200 025Massage Practice: Business, Ma10:00 AM - 12:00 PMF1682Vicki Winston14 / 15
12098 SAVEMASS 1200 C25Massage Practice: Business, MaF0Vicki Winston14 / 15
12101 SAVEMASS 1220 025Massage Ther Prof Prac Immersi2Vicki Winston14 / 15
12099 SAVEMASS 1420 025Massage for Diverse Population12:00 PM - 1:52 PMMW1685Vicki Winston14 / 15
12100 SAVEMASS 1420 L25Massage for Diverse Population2:00 PM - 4:48 PMMW1680Vicki Winston14 / 15
10553 SAVEMASS 1601 025Principles of Phys and Path8:30 AM - 11:30 AMMW1683Vicki Winston14 / 15
11793 SAVEMATH 0010 025Math Principles for Gen Studie11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTR2093Anna Davis18 / 19
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an Enhanced section of MATH 1010 (Ex. MATH 1010 E or MATH 1010 SE section).
11798 SAVEMATH 0130 025Principles of College Algebra12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRG-2003Sergey Postolaki13 / 28
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an Enhanced section of MATH 1130 (Ex. MATH 1130 E).
10557 SAVEMATH 0530 025Statistical Principles11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMW2093Anna DavisClosed
25 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an Enhanced section of MATH 1530 (Ex. MATH 1530 E or MATH 1530 SE).
10558 SAVEMATH 0530 026Statistical Principles12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTR2093Anna Davis22 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an Enhanced section of MATH 1530 (Ex. MATH 1530 E or MATH 1530 SE).
10556 SAVEMATH 0530 027Statistical Principles6:30 PM - 9:30 PMT2093Anna Davis11 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an Enhanced section of MATH 1530 (Ex. MATH 1530 E or MATH 1530 SE).
11560 SAVEMATH 1010 025Math for General Studies12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRH-2053Linda PuzeyClosed
13 / 13
▲ Note:
  • Students in MATH 0010 cannot register for this section.
11804 SAVEMATH 1010 E25Math for Gen Studies ENHANCED12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRH-2053Linda PuzeyClosed
15 / 15
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1010 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0010.
10565 SAVEMATH 1130 026College Algebra8:00 AM - 9:20 AMTRG-2003Sergey Postolaki11 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Students in MATH 0130 cannot register for this section.
11817 SAVEMATH 1130 027College Algebra2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMW1243Sergey Postolaki15 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Students in MATH 0130 cannot register for this section.
10567 SAVEMATH 1130 028College Algebra6:30 PM - 9:30 PMTH-2083Jerome Mioduski9 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Students in MATH 0130 cannot register for this section.
11812 SAVEMATH 1130 E26College Algebra ENHANCED8:00 AM - 9:20 AMTRG-2003Sergey Postolaki10 / 12
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1130 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0130.
11811 SAVEMATH 1130 E27College Algebra ENHANCED2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMW1243Sergey Postolaki2 / 12
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1130 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0130.
11818 SAVEMATH 1130 E28College Algebra ENHANCED6:30 PM - 9:30 PMTH-2083Jerome Mioduski2 / 12
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1130 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0130.
10579 SAVEMATH 1420 T25Geometry Concepts for Teachers3:30 PM - 4:50 PMMWG-2013Patrick Mark Taylor6 / 12
▲ Note:
  • The instructor will meet on your campus every other week. Students will be REQUIRED to go to a RSCC testing center for 3-4 exams, the instructor will give more details when the semester begins.
10586 SAVEMATH 1530 025Introductory Statistics9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWG-2003Sergey Postolaki11 / 12
▲ Note:
  • Students taking MATH 0530 should not register for this section.
10584 SAVEMATH 1530 026Introductory Statistics9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRG-2003Sabah Alquaddoomi12 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students taking MATH 0530 should not register for this section.
10585 SAVEMATH 1530 028Introductory Statistics11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRG-2003Sabah AlquaddoomiClosed
14 / 14
▲ Note:
  • Students taking MATH 0530 should not register for this section.
10587 SAVEMATH 1530 029Introductory Statistics12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTR2263Stefanie HolmesClosed
19 / 19
▲ Note:
  • Students taking MATH 0530 should not register for this section.
10588 SAVEMATH 1530 030Introductory Statistics6:30 PM - 9:30 PMRG-2003Jerome Mioduski8 / 10
▲ Note:
  • Students taking MATH 0530 should not register for this section.
10607 SAVEMATH 1530 E25Intro Statistics ENHANCED9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWG-2003Sergey PostolakiClosed
16 / 16
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1530 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0530.
10605 SAVEMATH 1530 E26Intro Statistics ENHANCED9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRG-2003Sabah Alquaddoomi9 / 13
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1530 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0530.
10606 SAVEMATH 1530 E28Intro Statistics ENHANCED11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRG-2003Sabah Alquaddoomi13 / 14
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1530 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0530.
10608 SAVEMATH 1530 E29Intro Statistics ENHANCED12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTR2263Stefanie HolmesClosed
6 / 6
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1530 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0530.
10609 SAVEMATH 1530 E30Intro Statistics ENHANCED6:30 PM - 9:30 PMRG-2003Jerome Mioduski8 / 18
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1530 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0530.
10620 SAVEMATH 1730 025PreCalculus11:00 AM - 11:55 AMMTWR2264Stefanie HolmesClosed
25 / 25
10625 SAVEMATH 1830 025Applied Calculus2:00 PM - 3:20 PMTRG-2003Sergey Postolaki12 / 25
10627 SAVEMATH 1910 025Calculus I11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWF1244Sergey PostolakiClosed
29 / 28
10632 SAVEMATH 1920 T25Calculus II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWF2254Jimmy MillerClosed
15 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students will be REQUIRED to go to a RSCC testing center for 3-4 exams, the instructor will give more details when the semester begins.
10634 SAVEMATH 2010 T25Introduction to Linear Algebra2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMWG-2013Danielle Layne8 / 12
▲ Note:
  • Students will be REQUIRED to go to a RSCC testing center for 3-4 exams, the instructor will give more details when the semester begins.
10636 SAVEMATH 2110 T25Calculus III8:00 AM - 9:20 AMMWF2254Jimmy Miller2 / 12
▲ Note:
  • Students will be REQUIRED to go to a RSCC testing center for 3-4 exams, the instructor will give more details when the semester begins.
10638 SAVEMATH 2120 T25Differential Equations12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWG-2013Jillian Miller5 / 12
10963 SAVEMGT 205 T25Marketing in the Global Econ5:30 PM - 9:30 PMR
Meeting dates
G-2014Karry Garcia6 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This is a first term 5-week accelerated course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10972 SAVEMGT 206 T25Applied Economics5:30 PM - 9:30 PMR
Meeting dates
G-2014Karry Garcia6 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 5-week accelerated course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10982 SAVEMGT 207 T25Managerial Acct and Finance5:30 PM - 9:30 PMR
Meeting dates
G-2014Bradley Fox5 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This is a third term 5-week accelerated course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11302 SAVEMLAB 1301 H25Intro to Med Lab Tech8:30 AM - 10:30 AMWC-1103Dawn Pelfrey8 / 12
11299 SAVEMLAB 1310 C25Clinical Practicum IMTR3Madeline HibbardClosed
12 / 12
11300 SAVEMLAB 1320 C25Clinical Practicum IIMTR3Dawn PelfreyClosed
12 / 12
11680 SAVEMLAB 2260 H25Parasitology and Mycology8:30 AM - 10:30 AMWG-2082Madeline HibbardClosed
12 / 12
11527 SAVEMLAB 2301 H25Immunohematology/Blood Bank2:30 PM - 4:30 PMWG-2153Dawn PelfreyClosed
12 / 12
11528 SAVEMLAB 2301 L25Immunohematology/Blood Bank11:00 AM - 2:00 PMWG-2080Dawn PelfreyClosed
12 / 12
10663 SAVEMUS 1030 025Introduction to Music8:00 AM - 9:20 AMTRC-1043Rudolph Nemeth20 / 22
10664 SAVEMUS 1030 026Introduction to Music9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRC-1043Rudolph Nemeth13 / 20
10665 SAVEMUS 1030 027Introduction to Music11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRC-1043Rudolph Nemeth18 / 21
11232 SAVEMUS 1030 E25Introduction to Music8:00 AM - 9:20 AMTRC-1043Rudolph Nemeth1 / 3
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Reading requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of READ 0562.
11233 SAVEMUS 1030 E26Introduction to Music9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRC-1043Rudolph Nemeth0 / 5
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Reading requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of READ 0562.
11234 SAVEMUS 1030 E27Introduction to Music11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRC-1043Rudolph Nemeth2 / 4
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Reading requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of READ 0562.
11467 SAVEMUS 112 025Roane State Concert Choir7:00 PM - 9:00 PMRA-1111Brenda Luggie0 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This course requires attendance and performance in a community choir ensemble and comes with a scholarship*. Open to all qualified students. Required for Music majors in voice. No audition is necessary. *For more detailed information contact: Brenda Luggie at (865) 354-3000 x4236 or
11158 SAVEMUS 170 025Guitar1Kenneth Volkers2 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11160 SAVEMUS 171 025Guitar2Kenneth Volkers4 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11162 SAVEMUS 180 025Piano1Rudolph Nemeth1 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11163 SAVEMUS 180 026Piano1Jonathan Trammell0 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11165 SAVEMUS 181 025Piano2Rudolph Nemeth5 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11169 SAVEMUS 190 025Voice1Brenda Luggie2 / 4
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11174 SAVEMUS 191 025Voice2Brenda Luggie1 / 2
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11181 SAVEMUS 270 025Guitar2Kenneth Volkers1 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11183 SAVEMUS 271 025Guitar2Kenneth Volkers1 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11185 SAVEMUS 280 025Piano2Rudolph Nemeth1 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11186 SAVEMUS 280 026Piano2Jonathan Trammell0 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11188 SAVEMUS 281 025Piano2Rudolph Nemeth0 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11189 SAVEMUS 281 026Piano2Jonathan Trammell0 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
10686 SAVENRSG 1320 025Women's Health and Chld Family12:00 PM - 1:55 PMM2153Gabriel McAteer12 / 14
10687 SAVENRSG 1320 026Women's Health and Chld Family12:00 PM - 1:55 PMM2153Gabriel McAteerClosed
12 / 12
10692 SAVENRSG 1320 C25Women's Health and Chld Family0Gabriel McAteer6 / 7
10693 SAVENRSG 1320 C26Women's Health and Chld Family0Keri Lynch
Gabriel McAteer
8 / 8
10694 SAVENRSG 1320 C27Women's Health and Chld Family0Gabriel McAteerClosed
8 / 8
10695 SAVENRSG 1320 C28Women's Health and Chld Family0Gabriel McAteer
Janell Nichol
7 / 7
11143 SAVENRSG 1320 C29Women's Health and Chld Family0Gabriel McAteer
Janell Nichol
7 / 7
12120 SAVENRSG 1340 026Mental Health Nursing5:00 PM - 6:55 PMT1043Becky Fields11 / 12
11230 SAVENRSG 1340 027Mental Health Nursing5:00 PM - 6:55 PMT1043Becky FieldsClosed
11 / 11
11231 SAVENRSG 1340 028Mental Health Nursing12:00 PM - 1:55 PMTH-2023Charity Stanley14 / 15
11851 SAVENRSG 1340 029Mental Health Nursing12:00 PM - 1:55 PMTH-2023Charity StanleyClosed
10 / 10
10707 SAVENRSG 1340 C25Mental Health NursingS0Heather GreggClosed
7 / 7
▲ Note:
  • Saturday clinical for LPN mobility students only.
10708 SAVENRSG 1340 C26Mental Health NursingS0Heather Gregg7 / 8
▲ Note:
  • Saturday clinical for LPN mobility students only.
10706 SAVENRSG 1340 C27Mental Health NursingS0Heather Gregg7 / 8
10714 SAVENRSG 1620 025Med Surg I9:00 AM - 10:55 AMMF1246Teresa Lucas13 / 15
10715 SAVENRSG 1620 026Med Surg I9:00 AM - 10:55 AMMF1246Teresa LucasClosed
11 / 11
10716 SAVENRSG 1620 027Med Surg I5:00 PM - 8:55 PMM1046Teresa Lucas10 / 11
10717 SAVENRSG 1620 028Med Surg I5:00 PM - 8:55 PMM1046Teresa Lucas9 / 12
10724 SAVENRSG 1620 C25Med Surg I0STAFF7 / 9
10725 SAVENRSG 1620 C26Med Surg I0Connie RayClosed
9 / 9
10726 SAVENRSG 1620 C27Med Surg I0Connie RayClosed
9 / 9
10727 SAVENRSG 1620 C28Med Surg IS0Heather PorterClosed
5 / 5
10728 SAVENRSG 1620 C29Med Surg IS0Jennifer WysockiClosed
6 / 6
▲ Note:
  • Saturday clinical for LPN mobility students only.
10729 SAVENRSG 1620 C30Med Surg I0Connie RayClosed
8 / 8
▲ Note:
  • Saturday clinical for LPN mobility students only.
11856 SAVENRSG 1620 C31Med Surg IS0Tammie DillonClosed
8 / 8
10734 SAVENRSG 1620 L25Med Surg I8:00 AM - 1:30 PM1570Connie Ray13 / 14
10735 SAVENRSG 1620 L26Med Surg I8:00 AM - 1:30 PM1570Connie RayClosed
9 / 9
10736 SAVENRSG 1620 L27Med Surg I8:00 AM - 1:30 PM1570Connie Ray11 / 12
10737 SAVENRSG 1620 L28Med Surg I8:00 AM - 4:00 PMS1570Donna BoxellClosed
13 / 13
10738 SAVENRSG 1620 L29Med Surg I8:00 AM - 4:00 PMS1570Connie RayClosed
10 / 10
▲ Note:
  • Saturday lab for LPN mobility students only.
10742 SAVENRSG 2240 027Professional Practice in Nursi7:00 PM - 8:55 PMT1242Rebecca SimmonsClosed
10 / 10
11860 SAVENRSG 2240 029Prof. Practice in Nursing12:00 PM - 1:55 PMW2152Tammy Elliott13 / 14
11861 SAVENRSG 2240 030Prof. Practice in Nursing12:00 PM - 1:55 PMW2152Tammy ElliottClosed
11 / 11
11862 SAVENRSG 2640 025Med Surg Nursing III9:00 AM - 10:55 AMTWG-2156Charity Stanley12 / 13
11863 SAVENRSG 2640 026Med Surg Nursing III9:00 AM - 10:55 AMTWG-2156Charity StanleyClosed
12 / 12
10748 SAVENRSG 2640 027Medical Surgical Nursing III5:00 PM - 6:55 PMTW1246Charity StanleyClosed
10 / 10
11081 SAVENRSG 2640 C25Med Surg Nursing III0Elizabeth Thomas10 / 11
11082 SAVENRSG 2640 C26Med Surg Nursing III0Amy BackstromClosed
13 / 13
12067 SAVENUCT 1510 025Nuclear Sci & Radiochemistry11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTR3074Joseph Stainback9 / 12
▲ Note:
  • Students in this lecture are required to register for the lab course of NUCT 1510 L25 (12068).
12068 SAVENUCT 1510 L25LAB-Nuclear and Radiochemistry12:30 PM - 2:30 PMR2370Joseph Stainback9 / 12
10757 SAVEOTAP 1240 C25OT Doc with Level 1 B0Kristin Felder15 / 20
10761 SAVEOTAP 1510 L25Neuro Theory and Treatment8:30 AM - 11:30 AMR1540Cindy Ayo6 / 10
10762 SAVEOTAP 1510 L26Neuro Theory and Treatment12:00 PM - 3:00 PMR1540Cindy Ayo9 / 10
10765 SAVEOTAP 1520 L25Theory/Trtmnt of Psycho Dysfun8:30 AM - 11:30 AMR1300Kristin Felder9 / 10
10766 SAVEOTAP 1520 L26Theory/Trtmnt of Psycho Dysfun12:00 PM - 3:00 PMR1300Kristin Felder6 / 10
11010 SAVEOTAP 2610 C25Level II AMeeting dates6Kristin Felder16 / 20
11033 SAVEOTAP 2620 C25Level II BMeeting dates6Kristin Felder16 / 20
10775 SAVEPHED 1450 025Beginning Scuba3:00 PM - 4:50 PMWC-1161Ricky Molchan3 / 22
▲ Note:
  • $290 Additional Fee. No prior diving experience or swimming skills are necessary for this class. However, a statement of good physical health will be required as well as comfort in water. This course instructs the novice in the skills of SCUBA diving. Emphasis is placed on safety and learning various survival techniques for scuba diving. Some time will be spent in classroom theory and lecture. A greater part will be spent in pool work and open water dive trips to a local PADI dive resort/quarry. Field trips are required for certification. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will become a certified SCUBA diver, receiving an Open Water Diver certification card from PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors). Additionally, a $20 entrance fee paid to a recognized PADI dive resort/quarry is required by the student per day (max 2 days). Dive Field Trips will be either on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Date will be based on Instructor's discretion. All course materials (books, EDrp, etc.) are provided by the instructor and no other purchases required.
10776 SAVEPHED 1550 025Advanced Scuba3:00 PM - 4:50 PMWC-1161Ricky Molchan2 / 10
▲ Note:
  • $290 Additional Fee. An Open Water certification is required for class participation by a recognized dive organization such as PADI, NAUI, or SSI. Student MUST present proof of certification to instructor. Instructor can check all PADI certifications online, all other certifications will need to be photocopied for student file. Field Trip of two days will be required on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Date will be based on Instructor's discretion. Students will receive a PADI Advanced Certification upon completion of course or students already with a PADI Advanced Certification will receive a PADI Deep Diver Certification. Students will also have an opportunity to get an Enriched Air (NITROX) Certification at no extra charge through this class and the instructor scuba sharing program. The Enriched Air Certification is optional for students but provides greater experience and diving knowledge with no additional fees. Students will have a $20 quarry entrance fee per day (max 2 days). All course materials (books, signaling device, etc) are provided by instructor and no other purchases required.
10780 SAVEPHIL 1030 025Introduction to Philosophy9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRH-2023Jason Fishel27 / 29
11079 SAVEPHYS 1010 025Introductory Physics I5:00 PM - 7:50 PMM3074Jin-Kee Hyun14 / 18
11080 SAVEPHYS 1010 L25LAB-Introductory Physics I8:00 PM - 10:00 PMM2450Jin-Kee Hyun14 / 18
▲ Note:
  • The first lab for this course will meet on Monday, February 3, 2025.
10801 SAVEPHYS 2120 025Calculus-Based Physics II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMW3074Jin-Kee Hyun10 / 18
10803 SAVEPHYS 2120 L25LAB-Calculus Bsd Physics II9:30 AM - 12:30 PMF2450Jin-Kee Hyun10 / 18
▲ Note:
  • The first lab for this course will meet on Friday, January 31, 2025.
12152 SAVEPMGT 1010 025Project Management Fund I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRC-1093Gregory Capps2 / 25
12069 SAVEPMGT 1020 025Project Management Fund II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTR2153Gregory Capps1 / 14
10809 SAVEPOLS 1030 T25American Government2:00 PM - 3:20 PMTG-2013John Brown9 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This is a Hybrid Course that will meet in the IDEA Room one day per week on the day indicated.
10824 SAVEPSYC 1030 025Introduction to Psychology2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMW1043Donald WindhamClosed
19 / 19
10826 SAVEPSYC 1030 027Introduction to Psychology11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTR1043Donald WindhamClosed
26 / 26
10837 SAVEPSYC 1030 E25Introduction to Psychology2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMW1043Donald WindhamClosed
6 / 6
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Reading requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of READ 0562.
10839 SAVEPSYC 1030 E27Introduction to Psychology11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTR1043Donald WindhamClosed
2 / 2
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Reading requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of READ 0562.
10845 SAVEPSYC 1030 T25Introduction to Psychology12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTR2253H AndersonClosed
14 / 14
10849 SAVEPSYC 2110 025Psychology of Adjustment9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTR1043Donald Windham12 / 35
10855 SAVEPSYC 2130 025Life Span Development Psych11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMW1043Donald Windham36 / 38
10863 SAVEPSYC 2230 025Abnormal Psychology9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMW1043Donald WindhamClosed
26 / 26
10866 SAVEPTAT 2170 025Prof Development for PTA11:00 AM - 11:50 AMWD-1021Emily Delozier12 / 18
10867 SAVEPTAT 2191 C25Integrated Clinical Educ II1Emily Delozier12 / 18
10871 SAVEPTAT 2510 025Musculoskeletal8:00 AM - 9:20 AMTFD-1025Maribeth Vowell12 / 18
10872 SAVEPTAT 2510 L25Musculoskeletal9:30 AM - 2:30 PMTFD-1030Maribeth Vowell12 / 18
11286 SAVEPTAT 2520 025Neuromuscular Conditions8:00 AM - 9:20 AMMRD-1025Emily Delozier12 / 18
11287 SAVEPTAT 2520 L25Neuromuscular Conditions9:30 AM - 12:30 PMMRD-1030Emily Delozier12 / 18
11288 SAVEPTAT 2530 025Medical Surgical Conditions1:00 PM - 2:50 PMMRD-1025Emily Delozier12 / 18
11289 SAVEPTAT 2530 L25Medical Surgical Conditions8:00 AM - 10:50 AMWD-1030Emily Delozier12 / 18
10875 SAVERADT 1235 025Radiographic Image Critique II12:30 PM - 2:20 PMMC-1022Vickie Hensley19 / 20
10876 SAVERADT 1235 026Radiographic Image Critique II2:30 PM - 4:20 PMMC-1022Vickie Hensley19 / 20
10877 SAVERADT 1270 C25Radiographic Practicum II8:00 AM - 4:30 PMTR2Brandy Lewallen
Teresa Manis
10 / 10
10878 SAVERADT 1270 C26Radiographic Practicum II8:00 AM - 4:30 PMTR2Teresa Manis
Linda Peterson
10 / 10
10879 SAVERADT 1270 C27Radiographic Practicum II8:00 AM - 4:30 PMTR2Teresa Manis
Moriah Stephens
8 / 10
10880 SAVERADT 1270 C28Radiographic Practicum II8:00 AM - 4:30 PMTR2Vickie Hensley
Ruth Jackson
10 / 10
10881 SAVERADT 1340 025Radiographic Procedures II8:00 AM - 9:50 AMMC-1023Julie Hall19 / 20
10882 SAVERADT 1340 026Radiographic Procedures II10:00 AM - 11:50 AMMC-1023Julie Hall19 / 20
11285 SAVERADT 1340 L25Radiographic Procedures II8:00 AM - 9:55 AMMD-1050Paige RoseClosed
6 / 6
10883 SAVERADT 1340 L26Radiographic Procedures II10:00 AM - 11:55 AMMD-1050Paige RoseClosed
6 / 6
10884 SAVERADT 1340 L27Radiographic Procedures II12:30 PM - 2:25 PMMD-1050Paige Rose5 / 6
10885 SAVERADT 1340 L28Radiographic Procedures II2:30 PM - 4:25 PMMD-1050Hannah Tipton4 / 5
10886 SAVERADT 1340 L29Radiographic Procedures II8:00 AM - 9:55 AMWD-1050Julie HallClosed
6 / 6
10887 SAVERADT 1340 L30Radiographic Procedures II12:30 PM - 2:25 PMWD-1050Vickie HensleyClosed
6 / 6
11535 SAVERADT 1340 L31Radiographic Procedures II2:30 PM - 4:25 PMWD-1050Kesney PellomClosed
5 / 5
10888 SAVERADT 1390 025Principles of Image Acquisitio10:00 AM - 12:25 PMWA-1113Julie Hall38 / 40
10890 SAVERADT 2250 025Advanced Patient Care9:00 AM - 9:50 AMRA-1112Teresa ManisClosed
37 / 37
10891 SAVERADT 2250 L25Advanced Patient Care12:30 PM - 2:25 PMTD-1050Vickie HensleyClosed
9 / 9
10892 SAVERADT 2250 L26Advanced Patient Care2:30 PM - 4:25 PMTD-1050Vickie HensleyClosed
9 / 9
10893 SAVERADT 2250 L27Advanced Patient Care12:30 PM - 2:25 PMRD-1050Vickie HensleyClosed
10 / 10
10894 SAVERADT 2250 L28Advanced Patient Care2:30 PM - 4:25 PMRD-1050Vickie HensleyClosed
9 / 9
10895 SAVERADT 2295 025Radiographic Seminar10:00 AM - 11:50 AMRA-1112Julie HallClosed
37 / 37
10896 SAVERADT 2380 C25Radiographic Practicum V8:00 AM - 4:30 PMMWF3Brandy Lewallen
Teresa Manis
10 / 10
10897 SAVERADT 2380 C26Radiographic Practicum V8:00 AM - 4:30 PMMWF3Teresa Manis
Linda Peterson
9 / 9
10898 SAVERADT 2380 C27Radiographic Practicum V8:00 AM - 4:30 PMMWF3Teresa Manis
Moriah Stephens
9 / 9
10899 SAVERADT 2380 C28Radiographic Practicum V8:00 AM - 4:30 PMMWF3Vickie Hensley
Ruth Jackson
9 / 9
10900 SAVERADT 2385 025Radiographic Capstone9:30 AM - 12:00 PMTA-1113Julie HallClosed
37 / 37
11151 SAVEREAD 0562 025Reading Learning Support11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWH-2023Myndalynn Word10 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an enhanced section of HUM 1010, PSYC 1030, or MUS 1030. Note that the enhanced sections are denoted by a section number beginning with an “E”.
10912 SAVESOCI 1010 026Introduction to Sociology9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTR3353Gary HeidingerClosed
19 / 19
10913 SAVESOCI 1010 027Introduction to Sociology11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMW3353Valerie Herd13 / 19
10924 SAVESURG 1305 025Surgical Pharmacology8:00 AM - 11:00 AMT1603Jessica Davidson8 / 10
11251 SAVESURG 2302 C25Clincial Practicum III6:30 AM - 3:30 PMTWR0Jessica Davidson
Crystal Warner
10 / 11
11253 SAVESURG 2302 H25Clincial Practicum III2:00 PM - 3:00 PMM1603Crystal Warner10 / 11
10925 SAVESURG 2321 025Surgical Procedures I12:00 PM - 2:00 PMT1603Jessica Davidson8 / 10
10926 SAVESURG 2321 L25Surgical Procedures I8:00 AM - 12:00 PMM1580Jessica DavidsonClosed
4 / 4
10927 SAVESURG 2321 L26Surgical Procedures I1:00 PM - 5:00 PMW1580Crystal WarnerClosed
4 / 4
10928 SAVESURG 2420 025Surgical Patient Care II2:30 PM - 5:30 PMT1604Crystal Warner8 / 10
10929 SAVESURG 2420 L25Surgical Patient Care II1:00 PM - 5:00 PMM1580Jessica DavidsonClosed
4 / 4
11533 SAVESURG 2420 L26Surgical Patient Care II8:00 AM - 12:00 PMW1580Crystal WarnerClosed
4 / 4
10949 SAVEWELL 1010 025Lifetime Wellness11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRC-1193Monica BolesClosed
18 / 18

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