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Roane State Community CollegeRoane State Community College

Roane State Community College

Schedule of Classes
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Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.
Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.

Schedule of Classes

This printable schedule was last updated 2/17/25 at 06:00 PM.

Course Section Codes (Delivery)

Code Delivery Type
C Clinical, for health sciences
E Enhanced, to be paired with a Learning Support course
H Hybrid, meets in a classroom periodically and online otherwise
L Laboratory
S Web (synchronous), meets online at specific times using video technology
T Meets in a classroom connected to additional campuses by video technology
W Web, take online without set meeting times (does not require travel to campus)
X Web, take online without set meeting times (may require travel for orientation, test proctoring, or service learning)
Z Accelerated

Day Codes

Code Meeting Type
M Meets on Mondays
T Meets on Tuesdays
W Meets on Wednesdays
R Meets on Thursdays
F Meets on Fridays
S Meets on Saturdays
U Meets on Sundays
RSCC, Roane County Campus
CRNCourse #TitleTimeDaysRoomCreditInstructorSeats
10002 SAVEACCT 1010 001Principles of Accounting I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWY-3073William Farmer21 / 24
10005 SAVEACCT 1020 001Principles of Accounting II11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWY-3073William Farmer13 / 24
11334 SAVEAGRI 1050 HL1LAB-Intro to Soil Science3:30 PM - 5:30 PMTY-3090Daniel Starnes7 / 18
▲ Note:
  • Please be aware this is a hybrid course that meets periodically on-ground for live labs at the Harriman Campus on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:30 pm EST and otherwise online zoom meetings on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:30 pm EST. Mandatory zoom meetings on 1/28, 2/11, 3/4, 4/1 and 4/15. Required on-ground meeting dates are: 2/4, 2/25, 3/18, 4/8, 4/22 and 4/29 (alternate date).
10033 SAVEANTH 2150 H01Native American Studies9:30 AM - 10:50 AMWO-2053Jessica Dalton-Carriger6 / 20
▲ Note:
  • This is a Hybrid Course that will meet live one day per week on the day indicated. All other work will be completed via Momentum.
10034 SAVEART 1035 001Introduction to Art9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRO-1063Mary Dyer17 / 28
11709 SAVEART 1035 T01Introduction to Art2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMWD-2113Stacy JacobsClosed
3 / 3
11828 SAVEART 2020 001Art History Survey II11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRO-1063Mary Dyer6 / 25
10040 SAVEBIOL 1110 001General Biology I11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWD-2074Amanda Neudenberger20 / 24
10041 SAVEBIOL 1110 002General Biology I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRD-2034Daniel Starnes15 / 24
10047 SAVEBIOL 1110 L01LAB - General Biology I2:00 PM - 4:00 PMTD-1230Jade Young13 / 24
10048 SAVEBIOL 1110 L02LAB - General Biology I12:30 PM - 2:30 PMWD-1230Amanda Neudenberger20 / 24
10054 SAVEBIOL 1120 001General Biology II2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMWD-2074Claudia Cummings14 / 24
10055 SAVEBIOL 1120 002General Biology II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRD-2034Daniel Starnes23 / 24
10062 SAVEBIOL 1120 L01LAB - General Biology II2:00 PM - 4:00 PMRD-1230Daniel Starnes22 / 24
10063 SAVEBIOL 1120 L02LAB - General Biology II3:30 PM - 5:30 PMWD-1230Daniel Starnes14 / 24
10072 SAVEBIOL 2010 001Human Anatomy and Phys I8:30 AM - 10:00 AMTR
Meeting dates
D-1234Jala DanielClosed
24 / 24
▲ Note:
  • This is a combined lecture/lab, accelerated 10-week class. Class officially begins February 18, 2025. You must register for the lab of 10078, BIOL 2010-L01.
12161 SAVEBIOL 2010 002Human Anatomy and Phys I11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRD-1154Isabel Benitez-Ramirez9 / 24
10078 SAVEBIOL 2010 L01LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys I10:01 AM - 12:29 PMTR
Meeting dates
D-1230Jala DanielClosed
24 / 24
▲ Note:
  • This is a combined lecture/lab, accelerated 10-week class. Class officially begins February 18, 2025. You must register for the lecture of 10072, BIOL 2010-001.
12162 SAVEBIOL 2010 L02LAB - Human Anatomy and Phys I12:30 PM - 3:29 PMTD-1270Isabel Benitez-Ramirez9 / 24
10085 SAVEBIOL 2020 001Human Anatomy and Phys II11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWD-1154Dustin StuttsClosed
30 / 28
10086 SAVEBIOL 2020 002Human Anatomy and Phys II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRD-1154Isabel Benitez-Ramirez11 / 30
10096 SAVEBIOL 2020 L02LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys II12:30 PM - 3:30 PMMD-1270Dustin StuttsClosed
24 / 24
10104 SAVEBIOL 2020 L03LAB-Human Anatomy and Phys II9:00 AM - 12:00 PMFD-1270Dustin Stutts19 / 24
10107 SAVEBIOL 2230 001Microbiology9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWD-2034Susan Malekpour14 / 24
10112 SAVEBIOL 2230 L01LAB - Microbiology12:30 PM - 3:30 PMWD-1270Dustin Stutts14 / 24
10144 SAVECHEM 1110 001General Chemistry I11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRD-2174Meagan Edmonds18 / 24
▲ Note:
  • Students must register for a lab with this course. You may register for a conventional lab (all labs on-ground) OR web (asynchronous) OR hybrid (web asynchronous + ground).
10146 SAVECHEM 1110 L01LAB - General Chemistry I1:00 PM - 4:00 PMRD-1290Meagan Edmonds17 / 18
▲ Note:
  • This hybrid lab section consists of at least 6 on-campus laboratory sessions for hands-on, conventional experiments, with the remaining 6 to 8 sessions conducted asynchronously.
10148 SAVECHEM 1120 L02LAB - General Chemistry II12:30 PM - 3:29 PMMD-1290Athena Baranowski
Meagan Edmonds
11 / 20
▲ Note:
  • This lab is taught by conventional method. All labs meet on-ground.
11048 SAVECOLS 1010 H03SOS - Study, Organize, Succeed9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMW
Meeting dates
O-2013Mae Hardin12 / 28
▲ Note:
  • ***This class meets in the classroom each week during the days and times listed above. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
11049 SAVECOLS 1010 H04SOS - Study, Organize, Succeed11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMW
Meeting dates
O-2013Mae Hardin12 / 28
▲ Note:
  • ***This class meets in the classroom each week during the days and times listed above. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10180 SAVECOMM 2025 001Fundamentals of Communication9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRO-2113Melanie Hildebrandt11 / 23
10181 SAVECOMM 2025 002Fundamentals of Communication8:00 AM - 9:20 AMMWO-1063Melanie Hildebrandt11 / 23
10182 SAVECOMM 2025 003Fundamentals of Communication12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRO-2113Michael Golebiewski16 / 23
11597 SAVECOMM 2025 004Fundamentals of Communication11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRO-2113Michael Golebiewski10 / 23
11067 SAVECOMM 2025 H01Fundamentals of Communication9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMW
Meeting dates
O-1063Melanie Hildebrandt6 / 20
▲ Note:
  • ***Note that this is a ten week class with a delayed start date. This class will run the last ten weeks of the semester.Note that this is a hybrid course, which requires additional independent work outside of the classroom.
10193 SAVECRMJ 1010 001Intro to Criminal Justice12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTR
Meeting dates
O-2053Mikaela Cooney6 / 27
10236 SAVEECON 2200 001Principles of Microeconomics11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRO-2023William Schramm18 / 25
▲ Note:
  • Flipped class: material delivered online, in-person lab/help sessions; exams in a RSCC Testing Center.
12091 SAVEEDUC 2220 001Intro Except Lrnr/Spec Ed9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWO-2243Stacie Bradshaw9 / 15
▲ Note:
  • This course requires 10 hours of service learning. This course is textless.
10263 SAVEEHTC 2311 T01Safety & Emergency Response6:00 PM - 9:00 PMWD-2113Alfred Rybka5 / 16
10330 SAVEENGL 0510 001Writing Learning Support11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRO-2053Roger Finn19 / 22
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an enhanced section of ENGL 1010, denoted by a section number beginning with an “E”.
10331 SAVEENGL 0510 002Writing Learning Support9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWO-2113Ann Flynn12 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an enhanced section of ENGL 1010, denoted by a section number beginning with an “E”.
10337 SAVEENGL 1010 001Composition I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWO-2163Abigail SchoolfieldClosed
10 / 10
10338 SAVEENGL 1010 002Composition I2:00 PM - 3:20 PMTRO-2163Roger Finn10 / 15
10339 SAVEENGL 1010 003Composition I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRO-2053Abigail Schoolfield7 / 8
10357 SAVEENGL 1010 E01Composition I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWO-2163Abigail Schoolfield12 / 13
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10358 SAVEENGL 1010 E02Composition I2:00 PM - 3:20 PMTRO-2163Roger Finn5 / 8
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10359 SAVEENGL 1010 E03Composition I9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRO-2053Abigail SchoolfieldClosed
15 / 15
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Writing requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of ENGL 0510.
10377 SAVEENGL 1020 001Composition II11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRO-2163Abigail Schoolfield20 / 23
10380 SAVEENGL 1020 002Composition II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWO-2163Abigail Schoolfield22 / 23
10378 SAVEENGL 1020 003Composition II12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRO-1063Elizabeth Genovise22 / 23
10379 SAVEENGL 1020 004Composition II8:00 AM - 9:20 AMMWO-2113Hayle McAbee12 / 23
11523 SAVEENGL 2120 001Modern American Literature2:00 PM - 3:20 PMTRO-1063Elizabeth Genovise19 / 30
▲ Note:
  • Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence. Note that Literature courses can be taken out of sequence.
10425 SAVEENGR 2120 001Dynamics2:00 PM - 3:20 PMTRD-1213Jin-Kee Hyun3 / 20
10434 SAVEGEOL 1040 001Physical Geology9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWD-1214Keenan Golder23 / 26
10435 SAVEGEOL 1040 L01LAB - Physical Geology12:30 PM - 3:30 PMMD-1210Keenan Golder23 / 26
▲ Note:
  • The first lab meeting for this course will be held on Monday, February 3, 2025.
10450 SAVEHEA 221 001Safety, First Aid and CPR9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWY-1053Monica BolesClosed
12 / 12
▲ Note:
  • This course is NOT intended for healthcare professionals, but students can acquire layperson Adult, Child and Infant CPR, AED and Advanced First Aid course completion card.
10455 SAVEHEA 225 H01Care and Prev of Athlet Injur3Johnny Jones15 / 25
10480 SAVEHIMT 2307 C01Professional Practice Exp I3April Insco3 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Orientation from 12:-5:00 PM EST on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 on the Knoxville campus.
11724 SAVEHIST 2010 001Early United States History11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRO-2173Elizabeth Kitts20 / 30
10489 SAVEHIST 2020 001Modern United States History11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWO-2043Elizabeth Kitts29 / 32
10490 SAVEHIST 2020 002Modern United States History12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWO-2043Elizabeth Kitts13 / 32
10491 SAVEHIST 2020 003Modern United States History9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRO-2173Elizabeth Kitts16 / 30
10511 SAVEHIST 2220 T01Modern Western Civilization12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRD-2113Elizabeth KittsClosed
12 / 11
10521 SAVEHUM 1010 001Early Humanities11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWO-2163Ralph Monday24 / 25
10523 SAVEHUM 1010 E01Early Humanities11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWO-2163Ralph Monday2 / 5
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Reading requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of READ 0562.
11792 SAVEMATH 0010 001Math Principles for Gen Studie12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRD-1173Lawrence Sather12 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an Enhanced section of MATH 1010 (Ex. MATH 1010 E or MATH 1010 SE section).
11797 SAVEMATH 0130 001Principles of College Algebra11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRD-1173Lawrence Sather6 / 26
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an Enhanced section of MATH 1130 (Ex. MATH 1130 E).
10555 SAVEMATH 0530 002Statistical Principles9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRD-1173Lawrence Sather14 / 20
▲ Note:
  • Must be taken concurrently with an Enhanced section of MATH 1530 (Ex. MATH 1530 E).
10563 SAVEMATH 1010 001Math for General Studies11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRD-2053Danielle Layne9 / 11
▲ Note:
  • Students in MATH 0010 cannot register for this section.
11803 SAVEMATH 1010 E01Math for Gen Studies ENHANCED11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRD-2053Danielle LayneClosed
13 / 13
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1010 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0010.
10564 SAVEMATH 1130 001College Algebra9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWD-2173Danielle Layne15 / 18
▲ Note:
  • Students in MATH 0130 cannot register for this section.
11815 SAVEMATH 1130 002College Algebra9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRD-2053Patrick Mark Taylor14 / 15
▲ Note:
  • Students in MATH 0130 cannot register for this section.
11809 SAVEMATH 1130 E02College Algebra ENHANCED9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRD-2053Patrick Mark Taylor6 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1130 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0130.
10575 SAVEMATH 1410 T01Number Concepts for Teachers12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWD-2133Patrick Mark Taylor14 / 16
▲ Note:
  • The instructor will meet on your campus every other week. Students will be REQUIRED to go to a RSCC testing center for 3-4 exams, the instructor will give more details when the semester begins.
10581 SAVEMATH 1530 001Introductory Statistics12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWD-2053Danielle LayneClosed
16 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Students taking MATH 0530 should not register for this section.
10583 SAVEMATH 1530 002Introductory Statistics11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRD-2073Brad Sexton14 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Students taking MATH 0530 should not register for this section.
10582 SAVEMATH 1530 003Introductory Statistics8:00 AM - 9:20 AMTRD-2053Brad Sexton7 / 14
▲ Note:
  • Students taking MATH 0530 should not register for this section.
10603 SAVEMATH 1530 E01Intro Statistics ENHANCED12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWD-2053Danielle Layne5 / 8
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1530 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0530.
10604 SAVEMATH 1530 E02Intro Statistics ENHANCED11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRD-2073Brad Sexton8 / 12
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1530 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0530.
10612 SAVEMATH 1530 E03Intro Statistics ENHANCED8:00 AM - 9:20 AMTRD-2053Brad Sexton4 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This Enhanced section (Ex: MATH 1530 E) is for students with a Learning Support Math requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of MATH 0530.
10623 SAVEMATH 1730 001PreCalculus9:30 AM - 10:25 AMMTWRD-2154Jillian Miller13 / 28
10624 SAVEMATH 1830 001Applied Calculus12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRD-2153Danielle Layne17 / 25
10626 SAVEMATH 1910 001Calculus I11:00 AM - 11:55 AMMTWRD-2154Jillian Miller18 / 28
11399 SAVEMATH 1920 T01Calculus II9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWFD-2094Jimmy Miller10 / 12
▲ Note:
  • Students will be REQUIRED to go to a RSCC testing center for 3-4 exams, the instructor will give more details when the semester begins.
10633 SAVEMATH 2010 T01Introduction to Linear Algebra2:00 PM - 3:20 PMMWD-2093Danielle Layne1 / 12
▲ Note:
  • Students will be REQUIRED to go to a RSCC testing center for 3-4 exams, the instructor will give more details when the semester begins.
11104 SAVEMATH 2110 T01Calculus III8:00 AM - 9:20 AMMWFD-2094Jimmy Miller13 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Students will be REQUIRED to go to a RSCC testing center for 3-4 exams, the instructor will give more details when the semester begins.
10637 SAVEMATH 2120 T01Differential Equations12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWD-2093Jillian Miller11 / 12
10653 SAVEMECH 2425 001Mechanics and Machine Elements7:30 AM - 10:20 AMML-225A4Thomas Lewison7 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Students taking this lecture must register for the lab directly following this course.
10654 SAVEMECH 2425 L01LAB-Mechanics & Machine Elem10:30 AM - 12:30 PMML-225B0Thomas Lewison7 / 16
▲ Note:
  • Students taking this lab must register for the lecture directly before this course.
10658 SAVEMECH 2490 001Mfg Applications (Capstone cou7:30 AM - 10:20 AMWL-2374Guilherme Garcia7 / 16
▲ Note:
  • An additional fee of $150 will be assessed with this course for the Siemens exam.
10660 SAVEMECH 2490 L01LAB-Manufacturing Process10:30 AM - 12:30 PMWL-2370Guilherme Garcia7 / 15
10965 SAVEMGT 206 T01Applied Economics5:30 PM - 9:30 PMR
Meeting dates
D-2094Karry Garcia0 / 11
▲ Note:
  • This is a second term 5-week accelerated course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information.
10975 SAVEMGT 207 T01Managerial Acct and Finance5:30 PM - 9:30 PMR
Meeting dates
D-2094Bradley Fox0 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This is a third term 5-week accelerated course. Please click on the above “Meeting Dates” for detailed information
11555 SAVEMSC 261 001Southwest Field TripMeeting dates3Keenan GolderClosed
11 / 0
▲ Note:
  • The Southwest Field Trip will run from May 12th through June 1st 2025. The class will meet each Friday from February 21st through May 2nd as part of the second 10-week term, except for days Roane State Community College is closed. Students must also register for and pay the course tuition for MSC 261. The fee for the SSC section of the trip will be $550 and will be due by March 9th, 2025. All students will be required to make a $50.00 deposit for this section in the Fall semester before they can be registered for SSC 211. Course refund policy outlined on SWFT Website (
10661 SAVEMUS 010 001Solo Class3:00 PM - 3:50 PMWO-1280Brenda Luggie5 / 20
11135 SAVEMUS 020 001RecitalO-1280Brenda Luggie2 / 5
11532 SAVEMUS 1030 EH2Introduction to Music9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTO-1283Amanda Peavyhouse1 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Reading requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of READ 0562.
11531 SAVEMUS 1030 H02Introduction to Music9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTO-1283Amanda Peavyhouse9 / 15
10673 SAVEMUS 1057 001Music Theory IO-1203Brenda Luggie1 / 8
10674 SAVEMUS 1058 001Ear Training IO-1201Brenda Luggie1 / 8
10675 SAVEMUS 112 001Roane State Concert Choir7:00 PM - 9:00 PMTO-1281Brenda Luggie1 / 25
▲ Note:
  • This course requires attendance and performance in a community choir ensemble and comes with a scholarship*. Open to all qualified students. Required for Music majors in voice. No audition is necessary. *For more detailed information contact: Brenda Luggie at (865) 354-3000 x4236 or
10676 SAVEMUS 1155 001Music Theory II3Amanda Peavyhouse3 / 8
10677 SAVEMUS 1156 001Ear Training II1Amanda Peavyhouse3 / 8
11456 SAVEMUS 116 001Roane State Concert Band7:00 PM - 9:00 PMM1Geol Greenlee2 / 10
▲ Note:
  • This course requires attendance and performance in Babahatchie Community Band and comes with a scholarship*. Open to all qualified students. Required for Instrumental Music majors. No audition is necessary. *For more detailed information contact: Dr. Geol Greenlee at (865) 882-4580 or
11743 SAVEMUS 121 002Bluegrass Band4:30 PM - 6:00 PMRA-1111Brenda Luggie2 / 10
11599 SAVEMUS 160 001Roane State Instrumnt Ensemble4:00 PM - 4:55 PMMWO-1281Christopher Metcalfe6 / 20
▲ Note:
  • This course is open to all students and comes with a scholarship*. No audition is necessary. This course replaces MUS 132 - Stageband. *For more detailed information contact: Geol Greenlee at (865) 882-4580 or
11159 SAVEMUS 171 001Guitar2David Slack2 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11161 SAVEMUS 180 001Piano1Jonathan Trammell1 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11164 SAVEMUS 181 001Piano2Jonathan Trammell2 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11167 SAVEMUS 190 001Voice1Brenda Luggie2 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11168 SAVEMUS 190 002Voice1Amanda Peavyhouse1 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11172 SAVEMUS 191 001Voice2Brenda Luggie4 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11173 SAVEMUS 191 002Voice2Amanda Peavyhouse1 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11460 SAVEMUS 196 001Brass2Christopher Metcalfe2 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11461 SAVEMUS 197 001Woodwinds2Christopher Metcalfe1 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
11609 SAVEMUS 260 001Conducting and Digital Music2Brenda Luggie2 / 10
11190 SAVEMUS 290 001Voice2Brenda Luggie1 / 8
▲ Note:
  • ***NOTE: Please follow this link for instructions on setting up your lesson time:
10684 SAVENRSG 1320 001Women's Health and Chld Family12:00 PM - 1:55 PMMY-3133Michelle Cash14 / 15
10685 SAVENRSG 1320 002Women's Health and Chld Family12:00 PM - 1:55 PMMY-3133Michelle Cash5 / 6
11140 SAVENRSG 1320 C01Women's Health and Chld Family0Michelle Cash
Keri Lynch
7 / 7
11141 SAVENRSG 1320 C02Women's Health and Chld Family0Michelle Cash
Keri Lynch
7 / 7
10690 SAVENRSG 1320 C03Women's Health and Chld Family0Michelle Cash
Keri Lynch
5 / 7
11142 SAVENRSG 1320 C05Women's Health and Chld Family0Amy BackstromClosed
7 / 7
11728 SAVENRSG 1320 C06Women's Health and Chld Family0Amy BackstromClosed
5 / 5
11228 SAVENRSG 1340 001Mental Health Nursing12:00 PM - 1:55 PMTY-3113Heather GreggClosed
15 / 15
11229 SAVENRSG 1340 002Mental Health Nursing12:00 PM - 1:55 PMTY-3113Heather GreggClosed
14 / 14
10701 SAVENRSG 1340 C01Mental Health Nursing0Becky Fields7 / 8
10702 SAVENRSG 1340 C02Mental Health Nursing0Becky Fields7 / 8
10703 SAVENRSG 1340 C03Mental Health Nursing0Becky Fields7 / 8
10704 SAVENRSG 1340 C04Mental Health Nursing0Andrea Robertson
Charity Stanley
7 / 8
10705 SAVENRSG 1340 C05Mental Health Nursing0Becky Fields
Andrea Robertson
7 / 8
12079 SAVENRSG 1340 C06Mental Health Nursing0Heather Gregg
Andrea Robertson
8 / 8
12154 SAVENRSG 1340 C07Mental Health Nursing0Andrea Robertson
Charity Stanley
6 / 6
10712 SAVENRSG 1620 001Med Surg I9:00 AM - 10:55 AMMFY-3116Donna Boxell
Sophia Floersh
13 / 14
10713 SAVENRSG 1620 002Med Surg I9:00 AM - 10:55 AMMFY-3116Donna Boxell
Sophia Floersh
6 / 7
▲ Note:
  • Class meets in O-101 of the O'Brien Building
10720 SAVENRSG 1620 C01Med Surg I0Cynthia Price8 / 9
10721 SAVENRSG 1620 C02Med Surg I0Cynthia PriceClosed
9 / 9
10722 SAVENRSG 1620 C03Med Surg I0Marian Williford7 / 9
11760 SAVENRSG 1620 C04Med Surg I0Tammie DillonClosed
8 / 8
10731 SAVENRSG 1620 L01Med Surg I8:00 AM - 1:30 PMY-2040Donna Boxell11 / 12
10732 SAVENRSG 1620 L02Med Surg I8:00 AM - 1:30 PMY-2040Donna Boxell8 / 9
10740 SAVENRSG 2240 001Professional Practice in Nursi12:00 PM - 1:55 PMWY-3112Sophia FloershClosed
15 / 15
10741 SAVENRSG 2240 002Professional Practice in Nursi12:00 PM - 1:55 PMWY-3112Sophia FloershClosed
13 / 13
10746 SAVENRSG 2640 001Med Surg III9:00 AM - 10:55 AMTWY-3116Sophia FloershClosed
15 / 15
10747 SAVENRSG 2640 002Med Surg III9:00 AM - 10:55 AMTWY-3116Sophia FloershClosed
13 / 13
10752 SAVENRSG 2640 C01Medical Surgical Nursing III0Amy Backstrom
Donna Boxell
12 / 12
10753 SAVENRSG 2640 C02Medical Surgical Nursing III0Blake MorrisClosed
13 / 13
10754 SAVENRSG 2640 C03Medical Surgical Nursing III0Blake MorrisClosed
13 / 13
12071 SAVEPHED 1345 001Intro to Pickleball2:00 PM - 2:55 PMMWY-3051Johnny Jones6 / 8
11759 SAVEPHED 2100 001Teaching of Team & Indv Sports11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWY-1053Monica Boles7 / 20
10782 SAVEPHIL 1030 T01Introduction to Philosophy12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWD-2113Jason Fishel7 / 10
10790 SAVEPHIL 1040 001Introduction to Ethics11:00 AM - 12:20 PMMWO-2053Jason Fishel20 / 25
10800 SAVEPHYS 2120 001Calculus-Based Physics II9:30 AM - 12:30 PMTD-1214Jin-Kee Hyun10 / 18
10802 SAVEPHYS 2120 L01LAB-Calculus Bsd Physics II9:30 AM - 12:30 PMRD-1210Jin-Kee Hyun10 / 18
▲ Note:
  • The first lab for this course will meet on Thursday, January 30 2025.
10807 SAVEPOLS 1030 001American Government9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWO-2173John Brown6 / 30
10821 SAVEPSYC 1030 002Introduction to Psychology9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRO-2043Jennifer Stowe17 / 27
10823 SAVEPSYC 1030 003Introduction to Psychology9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWO-2043Darren York27 / 30
10834 SAVEPSYC 1030 E02Introduction to Psychology9:30 AM - 10:50 AMTRO-2043Jennifer Stowe1 / 3
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Reading requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of READ 0562.
10836 SAVEPSYC 1030 E03Introduction to Psychology9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMWO-2043Darren York2 / 3
▲ Note:
  • This enhanced section is for students with a Learning Support Reading requirement and must be taken concurrently with a section of READ 0562.
10844 SAVEPSYC 1030 T01Introduction to Psychology12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRD-2133H Anderson5 / 6
10852 SAVEPSYC 2130 001Life Span Development Psych11:00 AM - 12:20 PMTRO-2033Jennifer Stowe13 / 26
12157 SAVESLPA 1310 001Intro to Comm Disorders1:00 PM - 2:25 PMTRY-3073Dana Sexton2 / 24
10910 SAVESOCI 1010 H01Introduction to Sociology9:30 AM - 10:50 AMMO-2053Jessica Dalton-Carriger23 / 27
▲ Note:
  • This is a Hybrid Course that will meet live one dayper week on the day indicated. All other work will becompleted via Momentum.
12193 SAVESSC 210 001Social Science SeminarMeeting dates1Steven CarrigerClosed
4 / 2
10922 SAVESSC 211 001Southwest Field TripMeeting dates3Steven CarrigerClosed
13 / 0
▲ Note:
  • The Southwest Field Trip will run from May 12th through June 1st 2025. The class will meet each Friday from February 21st through May 2nd as part of the second 10-week term, except for days Roane State Community College is closed. Students must also register for and pay the course tuition for MSC 261. The fee for the SSC section of the trip will be $550 and will be due by March 9th, 2024. All students will be required to make a $50.00 deposit for this section in the Fall semester before they can be registered for SSC 211. Course refund policy outlined on SWFT Website (
11537 SAVETHEA 1015 001Acting I12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRO-1283Courtney Minton5 / 10
12140 SAVETHEA 1025 001Stage Craft I2:00 PM - 3:20 PMTRO-2053Jonathan Chemay5 / 10
11745 SAVETHEA 2015 001Acting II12:30 PM - 1:50 PMTRO-1283Courtney Minton2 / 10
11696 SAVETHEA 2510 Z03Theatre Prod Practicum IMeeting dates1Courtney MintonClosed
5 / 5
▲ Note:
  • Note that this practicum class will support Roane State’s theatrical production. For additional information contact the instructor, Courtney Minton.
11699 SAVETHEA 2520 Z03Theatre Prod Practicum IIMeeting dates1Courtney Minton0 / 5
▲ Note:
  • Note that this practicum class will support Roane State’s theatrical production. For additional information contact the instructor, Courtney Minton.
11702 SAVETHEA 2530 Z03Theatre Prod Practicum IIIMeeting dates1Courtney Minton0 / 5
▲ Note:
  • Note that this practicum class will support Roane State’s theatrical production. For additional information contact the instructor, Courtney Minton.
11703 SAVETHEA 2540 Z01Theatre Prod Practicum IVMeeting dates1Courtney Minton1 / 5
▲ Note:
  • Note that this practicum class will support Roane State’s theatrical production. For additional information contact the instructor, Courtney Minton.
11705 SAVETHEA 2540 Z03Theatre Prod Practicum IVMeeting dates1Courtney Minton0 / 5
▲ Note:
  • Note that this practicum class will support Roane State’s theatrical production. For additional information contact the instructor, Courtney Minton.
11748 SAVETHEA 2550 Z03Theatre Prod Practicum VMeeting dates1Courtney Minton0 / 5
▲ Note:
  • Note that this practicum class will support Roane State’s theatrical production. For additional information contact the instructor, Courtney Minton.
11751 SAVETHEA 2560 Z03Theatre Prod Practicum VIMeeting dates1Courtney Minton0 / 5
▲ Note:
  • Note that this practicum class will support Roane State’s theatrical production. For additional information contact the instructor, Courtney Minton.
10931 SAVEVECT 1330 001Geometric Optics for Opticians12:45 PM - 3:30 PMRY-3133Michael GogginClosed
13 / 13
10932 SAVEVECT 1420 001Ophthalmic Dispensing I12:45 PM - 3:30 PMMY-3114Michael GogginClosed
13 / 13
10933 SAVEVECT 1420 L01Ophthalmic Dispensing I9:00 AM - 11:45 AMTY-209A0Hali GibsonClosed
6 / 6
10934 SAVEVECT 1420 L02Ophthalmic Dispensing I9:00 AM - 11:45 AMWY-209A0Hali GibsonClosed
7 / 7
10935 SAVEVECT 1440 001Ophthalmic Materials I9:00 AM - 11:45 AMRY-2114Laura Van HallClosed
13 / 13
10936 SAVEVECT 1440 L01Ophthalmic Materials I12:45 PM - 3:30 PMWY-2050Hali GibsonClosed
6 / 6
10937 SAVEVECT 1440 L02Ophthalmic Materials I9:00 AM - 11:45 AMTY-2050Connie FinleyClosed
7 / 7
10939 SAVEVECT 1450 001Contact Lenses I9:00 AM - 11:45 AMMY-2114Zachary McDanielClosed
13 / 13
10940 SAVEVECT 1450 L01Contact Lenses I9:00 AM - 11:45 AMWY-209B0Emily FergusonClosed
6 / 6
10941 SAVEVECT 1450 L02Contact Lenses I12:45 PM - 3:30 PMWY-209B0Emily FergusonClosed
7 / 7
11291 SAVEVECT 2460 001Ophthalmic Dispensing III9:00 AM - 11:45 AMMY-2134Hali GibsonClosed
11 / 11
11292 SAVEVECT 2460 C01Ophthalmic Dispensing III12:45 PM - 3:30 PMTY-209A0Hali GibsonClosed
6 / 6
11293 SAVEVECT 2460 C02Ophthalmic Dispensing III9:00 AM - 11:45 AMRY-209A0Hali Gibson5 / 6
10943 SAVEVECT 2470 001Ophthalmic Materials III9:00 AM - 11:45 AMWY-2114Laura Van HallClosed
11 / 11
10944 SAVEVECT 2470 L01Ophthalmic Materials III9:00 AM - 11:45 AMRY-2050Connie FinleyClosed
6 / 6
10945 SAVEVECT 2470 L02Ophthalmic Materials III12:45 PM - 3:30 PMRY-2050Connie Finley5 / 6
11295 SAVEVECT 2480 001Contact Lenses III12:45 PM - 3:30 PMMY-2114Zachary McDanielClosed
11 / 11
11298 SAVEVECT 2480 L01Contact Lenses III9:00 AM - 11:45 AMTY-209B0Emily FergusonClosed
6 / 6
11297 SAVEVECT 2480 L02Contact Lenses III12:45 PM - 3:30 PMTY-209B0Emily Ferguson5 / 6
10948 SAVEWELL 1010 001Lifetime Wellness12:30 PM - 1:50 PMMWY-1053Monica Boles12 / 15

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