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Roane State Community College

Accessibility Plan
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Accessibility Plan

"Accessible" means fully and equally accessible to and independently usable by disabled individuals so they are able to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services within the same timeframe as individuals without disabilities, with substantially equivalent ease of use.

Roane State views accessibility as a holistic value that must be embedded in decision-making and processes across the college. To guide faculty and staff, the college’s accessibility plan includes the following four focus areas: establishing guidelines, providing consistent and relevant training, improving accessibility in a systematic fashion, and communicating accessibility policies and best practices.

Within each focus area, the plan includes a purpose, objectives, priority (high, medium, low) areas responsible for the objectives, and timeline for completion. Each focus area has only one high priority objective. The immediacy of the objective was a factor in determining its priority.

1. Focus area: Establishing Guidelines

Purpose: One challenge of accessibility is to go beyond defining it as a term but to also define how actions taken to improve accessibility should be measured. How will the college know it is progressing on the path to accessibility? Our purpose is to provide guidelines and to regularly evaluate and update those guidelines as needed.

Objective Priority Responsible Timeline
1.1: Establish guidelines for accessibility of content, processes, services, software, and products High Accessibility committee
President’s Cabinet
1.2: Review guidelines Medium Accessibility committee
President’s Cabinet
1.3: Review Accessibility plan Medium Accessibility committee Annually

2. Focus area: Providing Consistent and Relevant Training

Purpose: In many cases, whether information and services are accessible depends not on software, but the actions of faculty and staff. Our purpose is to, as much as possible, ensure that lack of knowledge is not a barrier to accessibility at Roane State.

Objective Priority Responsible Timeline
2.1: Provide ongoing faculty/staff training on accessibility each semester Medium CTAT
Department Heads
2.2: Provide ongoing training on evaluating accessibility as part of the purchasing process Medium Accessibility liaison(s)
Department Heads
2.3: Provide ongoing support each semester on creating accessible website content Medium Library
Marketing and Communications

3. Focus area: Improving Accessibility in a Systematic Fashion

Purpose: Accessibility is a process of continuous improvement. Our purpose is to identify specific priority areas to address as part of ongoing efforts to move toward accessibility.

Objective Priority Responsible Timeline
3.1: Train on accessible document creation for the purpose of creating accessible syllabi Medium CTAT Ongoing
3.2: Work toward increase of accessible files during creation of new Web pages and revision of current Web pages Medium Webmasters Ongoing
3.3: Review renewal of expiring contracts for accessibility Medium Purchasing Ongoing
3.4: Review enrollment process for accessibility Medium Enrollment services Ongoing
3.5: Review/recommend software and tools for creating accessible content Medium CTAT Ongoing

4. Focus area: Communicating Accessibility Policies and Best Practices

Purpose: Continuous and consistent communication on accessibility will help ensure that the college develops and maintains a culture of accessibility. Our purpose is to ensure that importance of accessibility is consistently communicated to the college and to provide a useful resource for best practices.

Objective Priority Responsible Timeline
4.1: Maintain accessibility website High Accessibility committee Ongoing
4.2: Send regular communication on accessibility Medium Accessibility committee

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Susan R Sutton • (865) 882-4658 • Click name for email address

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