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Roane State Community College

Computer Information Technology Program, Programming
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Computer Information Technology Program, Programming


Roane State’s computer information technology (CITC) program teaches programming languages that prepare students for jobs with tech companies. The college’s expert faculty provide in-depth training in software development.

In Roane State’s program, students:

Because computer information technology is a Roane State Technology Plus program, students also:


Roane State embeds key industry certifications within the degree program, ensuring students maximize the value of their education and leave Roane State with skills tech companies want.

Certifications include:

CompTIA Authorized Academy Partner

Roane State’s Computer Information Technology (CITC) program is a CompTIA authorized academy partner, which means the college may host certification testing in A+, Net+, Security+, and Ethical Hacking.


With a CITC degree, students will be able to:


As part of the program, you will participate in a paid internship program with an area tech company. The internship will give you the opportunity to gain on-the-job experience, apply what you have learned in your classes, meet potential employers, and have a leg up in your first job search. Companies offering internships to Roane State CITC students include:

Student Performance and Achievement

CITC Programing Outcomes

Faculty & Staff

Administrative Staff

Bruce Cantrell
Click above for email address
(865) 354-3000 ext. 4495

Kathy Voiles
Click above for email address
(865) 354-3000 ext. 4758


George Meghabghab
Click above for email address
(865) 354-3000 ext. 1283
Program Director

Michael Chung
Click above for email address
(865) 354-3000 ext. 2217

Steven Zhang
Click above for email address
(865) 354-3000 ext. 2210


George Meghabghab • (865) 354-3000 ext. 1283 • Click name for email address

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