The following is a brief guide to the various types of honors available at Roane State.
The Roane State Honors program provides opportunities for students to excel by working on special projects with their Roane State instructors. Afterwards the applicable courses are marked as honors courses on the student’s transcript. In addition, graduating honors students are listed in the graduation day program. Since this web page is provided by the Roane State Honors Program, much more information is just a click away!
Note: The spring semester Honors Program Forum and Banquet should not be confused with the college’s awards night.
On graduation day, three traditional honors designations are referenced based on the student’s GPA. Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude distinctions are noted in the graduation day program and announced with the student’s name. These designations are also noted on the student’s final transcript.
PTK is an international honors society which students become eligible for based on GPA. It involves dues and is applied for online. While the Roane State Honors Program will reimburse active Honors Program members for part of those dues, this is not an automatic process. PTK members wear colored regalia on graduation day and are noted in the graduation day program. PTK membership is not noted on a student’s transcript.
PTK Contact: Claudia Cummings
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