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Roane State Community College

Travel Forms & Guidelines
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Travel Forms & Guidelines

Need Help? Travel Contact Information:

Steve McCullough
Click above for email address

Travel Authorization & Claim Forms


  1. Complete, print, and sign the Travel Authorization Form. (not required for local, non-overnight travel)
  2. Scan and attach the form as an external attachment into a new SciQuest requisition. Be sure to scan and attach as a 2nd external attachment any supporting documents (e.g. conference registration, mileage verification). Wait for approval. (not required for local, non-overnight travel)
  3. After incurring traveling expenses, complete, print , and sign one of the Travel Claim Forms. Be sure to add the travel authorization number to the form if applicable.
  4. Scan and attach the form as an external attachment into a SciQuest requisition. Be sure to scan and attach as a 2nd external attachment any receipts supporting the claim.

Contact your department secretary or the contact information above if you need assistance.

Other Travel Forms

About this Guide

This guide is designed for use by any RSCC employee or group and is intended to serve as a reference source for the primary areas associated with travel necessary for the proper execution of official college business and objectives. Policy BA-01-01 contains the complete travel policies and procedures. Travel policies and reimbursement rates are subject to change from time to time.

Types of Travel

In general, travel falls into two categories:

For a complete description of travel budget account codes, please choose the travel account code link on this page.

Travel Authorization (Form TR-1)

Pursuant to the travel policy update on July 1, 2013, all college travel must be authorized in advance. All regular and temporary employees of the College are granted authorization for non-overnight travel on official College business, with the advance oral approval of his/her supervisor. Employees whose employment requires regular in-state overnight travel, without a registration fee, may obtain blanket travel authorization in writing for such travel. Otherwise, in-state overnight travel will require an individual travel authorization for each trip. If travel into another state and return is in the same day, such travel is considered in-state travel and is subject to in-state travel provisions.

A Travel Authorization is required for all trips that are:

Please allow sufficient time for processing the travel authorization form prior to the expected date of departure. No expenses will be reimbursed without a properly completed and approved authorization.


Prior to Departure – Form TR-1 must be completed. Approval must be obtained prior to departure as follows:

Travel authorizations must be fully approved prior to departure for trips which must submit form TR-1 pursuant to BA-01-01. A fully approved TR-1 must be on file in the Business Office before departure and prior to final processsing of a purchase order for any conference/meeting registration fee. A copy of the fully approved travel authorization is returned to the traveler and should be used as authorization for travel to commence. Travel authorization forms not fully approved prior to departure will require a written explanation detailing why proper authorization was not requested in advance.

Upon Return – A Claim for Traveling Expenses (Form TR-2 or Form TR-3) must be completed. The Vice President for Business and Finance or his designee must review and approve all travel claims according to the established travel policy. In addition, the following departmental approvals are required:


All travel must be by the most direct or expeditious route possible, and any employee who travels by an indirect route must bear any extra expense occasioned thereby. Mileage reimbursement will be allowed only for the official business mileage in excess of an employee’s normal commuting mileage (see BA-01-01).


In-state and out-of-state lodging expenses incurred while on authorized travel will be reimbursable up to the maximum shown on the Addendum to the travel policy.

Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE)

Meals while on authorized overnight travel will be reimbursed, subject to the maximum allowances provided in the Addendum. The M&IE rate, or fraction thereof, is payable to the traveler without itemization of expenses or receipts. The maximum per diem rate includes a fixed allowance for meals and for incidental expenses (tips for baggage handling, phone calls home, etc.). See CONUS for current out of state M&IE rates. In-state M&IE rates are included in the link above.


Per diem



































Partial Day

$51.00 $55.50 $60.00 $64.50  $69.00  

Miscellaneous Expenses

Travel Advance

Normally, travel expenses should be paid when incurred by an employee, with reimbursement made to the employee for actual expenses upon proper submission of a claim for traveling expenses. Advances to eligible employees for up to 80% of anticipated expenses may be available. See travel policy for a detailed explanation.

Advances shall not be issued to any employee who:

Corporate Card – UMB VISA

Corporate cards are made available, upon completion and approval of a UMB Bank VISA Corporate Travel Card Individual Account Application, to all regular full and part-time administrative and faculty employees. Completed applications should be submitted to the Vice President for Business and Finance. Contact Beth Bolden for an application.

Claim for Traveling Expenses (TR-2 or TR-3)

All claims for traveling expenses should be submitted on the form designated for this purpose. Receipts are required for registration fees paid by employee, lodging, parking above maximum rate, official banquets, etc. Receipts are not required for meals and incidental fees.

The standard form (TR-2 or TR-3) must be submitted and must:

Travel Reimbursement Rate Schedule

Current Rate

Historical Rates

The General reimbursement rates are included in the Addendum to the travel policy.

Need Help? Travel Contact Information:

Steve McCullough
Click above for email address



Blanket Travel

Mileage & Maps

Lodging, Meal, Incidental Rates

International Education

Professional Development

Other Links


Steve McCullough • 865-354-3000-4334 • Click name for email address

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