The Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) colleges and universities have joined together in offering TN eCampus. Courses completed in TN eCampus are entirely online and are completely transferable among all the participating TBR institutions. Roane State students who take TN eCampus courses receive credit at Roane State Community College. The only difference between a Roane State course and a TN eCampus course is that it may be taught by an instructor from another TBR institution. There is also an additional fee that is applied for TN eCampus courses.
For more information about Tn eCampus, please visit
Even though you sign up for both types of courses through Roane State, you log into different sites.
Books for TN eCampus courses may be purchased from bookstore located on the TN eCampus homepage. The RSCC campus bookstore DOES NOT have textbooks for TN eCampus courses. Books are usually different for TN eCampus courses than for traditional, on-campus courses. You may purchase books by credit card, check, or money order.
Yes, TN eCampus can also be charged against your excess Financial Aid. Complete the TN eCampus Book Voucher Form available at the Bursar's Office Website. The voucher must be filled out completely, meaning all book information (shipping method and shipping address, new or used, etc).
No, you are not required to buy your books from the virtual bookstore. The site lists ISBN numbers so you may purchase your texts elsewhere. Please note that this is at your own risk and TN eCampus cannot assist you with textbook errors / returns unless the purchase is through the TN eCampus virtual bookstore.
All RSCC students may enroll in courses offered via TN eCampus delivery. There is an additional charge for each credit hour. Please check the TN eCampus website for the exact amount. For enrollment in an accelerated (R01, R25, & R35 section numbers) Tn eCampus Course or into a Tn eCampus Learning Support course (R80), please contact Matthew Ward.
Beginning and ending dates for Tn eCampus courses each semster depend on the type of course. The dates for each term can be located in the Tn eCampus Academic Calendar.
For Fall and Spring semeters
For Summer semesters
You will be able to log into your course on the first day of the semester, typically sometime in the afternoon. A specific time the servers will open is listed on the TN eCampus log-in page.
It typically takes 24 to 48 hours for the courses to update in TN eCampus.
It typically takes 24 to 48 hours for the courses to update in TN eCampus. Your coursework will be restored as well.
Yes, financial aid applies to TN eCampus classes.
TN eCampus charges a per credit hour surcharge fee. What you see on your billing statement is the standard RSCC tuition per credit hour and the additional TN eCampus per credit hour fee.
In TN eCampus courses, you pay for every credit hour. For example, if you have 12 credit hours of courses and add a 3 hour TN eCampus course, you will be charged for 15 credit hours at the standard RSCC fee rate plus the TN eCampus per credit hour fee for 3 hours.
TN eCampus courses have a separate fee schedule than RSCC web courses: Tuition and Fees.
While the vast majority of Tn eCampus courses do not, some Tn eCampus courses required proctored examinations. If your course requires a proctored examination, it will be stated in the course's syllabus. Tn eCampus has two options for proctoring:
Matthew Ward • (865) 882-4602 • Click name for email address
Roane State Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, ethnicity or national origin, sex, disability, age, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, programs, and activities. View full non-discrimination policy.