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Roane State Community College

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Move Forward. Don't delay your future! Apply now! Register for online or traditional classes.Move Forward. Don't delay your future! Apply now!. Register for online or traditional classes.
Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.
Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.Online degrees available. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit your schedule.


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Students who desire to earn a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree at a four-year college or university may complete the first two years of study at Roane State by enrolling in an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), Associate of Fine Arts(AFA), or Associate of Science in Teaching(AST) degree program. The advantages of taking the first two years at Roane State include:

  • Roane State’s tuition and fees are among the lowest of any of Tennessee’s colleges and universities.
  • Roane State’s class size is generally smaller which lends itself to more individualized instruction.
  • Obtaining an Associate's degree allows a student to have credentials for employment while completing his/her baccalaureate degree.

Transfer Program Options

Tennessee Transfer Pathways
Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTP) help students who plan to transfer to Tennessee public universities to complete their baccalaureate degrees. A student who completes all the courses listed on a TTP will earn an AA or AS degree from Roane State and is guaranteed that all the courses will count toward that university major. The Tennessee Transfer Pathways’ prescribed curriculum must be followed exactly to ensure all credit hours transfer. Particular universities or programs may have additional requirements that apply. Admission into a university does not guarantee admission into a particular college or academic program.  Roane State encourages student to contact his/her four year institution early in their academic program for additional requirement information.   For more information go to:

Articulation Agreements
Not all majors/programs are available through the Tennessee Transfer Pathways. Articulation Agreements exist to assist students with course selection for a particular senior institution and major. The agreements specify a curriculum that has been agreed upon by Roane State and a four-year college or university to satisfy degree requirements at both institutions. Completion of the first and second year of the agreement results in the completion of an AA or AS degree at Roane State. The remaining requirements for the third and fourth year are those required by the four-year college/university. For more information go to:

Course Equivalencies
In the event that a student selects a major or college/university for which there is no Tennessee Transfer Pathway, or articulation agreement, the student may use the course equivalency tables to choose transferable courses and will follow the requirements for the AA or AS degree. The acceptance of RSCC courses for transfer and the fulfillment of degree requirements rests with the four-year college/university. A complete listing of course-by-course equivalencies is available at

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